Chapter 2:

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    "Are you hungry?" He asked me. "It's midnight." I said pointing at the clock on the wall. "Ok and what does the time have to do with being hungry?" He said and started walking toward the door. He walked out and I just sat there. I looked around the room and the windows had bars so there was no getting out that way. I looked about the office once more and then walked out and saw a bright light at the end of the hallway and walked toward it. When I walked in there, he had a huge fridge open and he was pulling out some stuff. "Holy shit this kitchen is huge." I blurted out looking around the place. He looked at me and smiled. "I suppose it is kinda large." He says and pulls out the last ingredient. "Kind of? Your kitchen is like the size of half my house." I say walking toward the fridge. He laughs, walks to the cabinet, and pulls out some cups. "Drink?" He asked. "Sure." I say as I walk around the kitchen looking at all the different things around it. "I do not think I even know what half of this stuff is." I say looking at some of the equipment and food. He did not say anything then walked toward me with a glass. I took the drink and looked at it. " I did not lace the drink if that is what you were worried about." He said. I looked at the cup and then him. "What's in it?" I asked him. He then explained what was in the alcoholic drink and took a drink out of his. I looked at the drink and then tried it. To my surprise it was surprisingly good. He then put his cup down, walked back to the fridge, and pulled out a cake. "Hope you like cake." He says as he pulls out two plates. "I do, just haven't had any in awhile." I said and watched shin cut the cake. "How come?" He asked. I just stayed silent as I was not going to tell my kidnapper personal information. "Well no need to respond if you do not want to." He says and slides a plate of cake to me. I take a bite of the cake and look at him. "Wow, this is pretty good. Who made this?" I asked. He looked at me and smiled. "Well, I'm glad you like it and I'm the person who made it." He says and then takes another bit of his cake. "If you can bake like this you have to be a baker, right?" I asked him as I ate more. He shook his head no. "When I was younger, I realized I enjoyed cooking and I was good at it, so I did it more, but my parents didn't approve." He said then looked over at me. "Well, that's just sad, why would they not like you cooking?" I said and continued eating. He looked away and it seemed his mood had changed. "So tomorrow we will go to the address and see if we can find any clues." He said and put his plate in the sink. I finished the cake and he took my plate. "I will wake you up at 6 and bring you a change of clothes as well as change your bandages and then we will leave." He said then started heading out of the kitchen. "Why so early, it's already almost 1 in the morning." I said walking behind him. "The earlier we are the less likely people would be around, so you might as well go ahead and head to bed, I have some things I need to do before hand." He says then walked toward my room. I followed him to the room and before walking in I turned around and asked him something.  "What do you have to do that's so important it can't wait?" He looked at me and then started walking off. "Don't worry about it." He said then turned down the hallway. I looked down the hallway once more and walked into my room. He did not even lock the door to my room. I peeked down the hallway and his room door was closed. I closed the door to my room and looked around there was nothing in the room I could use as a weapon or anything. I tried to open the windows but the bars were stable and strong. I sat on the bed and knew I would have to wait.

    I turned over and heard a noise and when I opened my eyes I was surrounded by trees. "Daren?" I called out. I looked around and all there were was trees and darkness. I started walking, confused about how I got here until I heard a sound behind me. I quickly turned around and there it was. A huge animal with large teeth and bright eyes stared at me from the darkness. It was the same eyes from that night and then they jumped toward me. I felt a sting go throughy body and screamed. "Finnigan, wake up!" I hear being yelled from a distance. I looked over and I was back in the bed and holding my throat. "Hey, are you ok?" I heard and looked over to see Daren right next to me. I looked at him and he just stared at me. "What happened, why were you screaming?" He asked. I looked at him and closed my eyes. "I thought I was over this, this stupid dream." I muttered to myself and then looked at him. "Want to tell me about it?" He asked and looked concerned. I shook my head no and looked over at the clock and it was only 4 in the morning. "So much for waking you up at 6, guess you beat me to it." He said in a joking manner. I looked at him and rolled my eyes. I hadn't taken notice my hand was still on my neck and he had started to stare. I quickly moved my hand away and he looked away. " Guess we might as well get going, since we're already up." I said hoping to change the subject. "Guess your right, let me go ahead and get you that change of clothes and we can change those bandages." He says then walks out of the room. I sat there for a minute, and he came back with a few bags in hand. "I did not know what you like to wear so I got a few styles." He said and put the bags down on the bed. He sat next to me, grabbed my wrists and changed the bandages. Once he was down he got up and walked to the door. "Come to the kitchen when your done." He said as he closed the door and walked off. I looked through the bags he placed down and wondered what he was hoping to achieve. There were a few options but I chose as black button up with a pair of black pants. I placed the bags off to the side and walked into the bathroom and made sure the wrap was still around my neck. After I finished getting ready I walked out and headed to the kitchen. I could hear pot and pans being moved around. I stood at the door, leaned against the frame and looked at Daren. After a few minutes he looked over and noticed me. "You plan on staring at me all day?" He asked and I continued to look at him. "Maybe I will, what are you going to do about it." I said "If that's what you want to do, I have no reason to stop you." He said and then pulled the food off the stove. "Well the longer you stare, the colder your food will get." He says then plates the food and walked off to the next room. I stood in the door way until he called me name. I followed him to the room and it was a huge dining room with a huge table. He placed the door on the table, but there was already bread and drinks. He sat down and looked over at me. "Still going to keep staring or are you hungry?" He asked then looked toward the food. I walked to the table, sat down and looked at the food. "It looks good." I say then grab a fork. I took a bite and it the food was good. We sat there and ate our food, but the silence that surrounded us was not uncomfortable. We finished our food and I helped him take the dishes to the kitchen. "Let's go." He said and then we walked to the car. Once in the car he looked at me and looked worried. "What?" I said in a confused tone. "When we get there if there if there is anyone around only you can get out the car, I can't risk being seen." He said and I looked at him and smiled. "That's no problem, with the way you were looking at me I thought you were going to say I was going to die." I say then looked out the window.

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