Chapter 4 Dark Revelation

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As the radiant light of the talisman began to dim, its celestial brilliance fading into the shadows of the chamber, Helga felt the weight of the divine power that had coursed through her, leaving her drained and weary. With a weary sigh, she sank to her knees, the strain of channeling such immense energy taking its toll on her mortal form.

Sensing her distress, Peregrin rushed to her side, his concern evident in his eyes as he gently took her trembling hand in his own. With a soft voice filled with compassion, he assured her that she was safe now, her bravery and sacrifice not in vain.

With a grateful nod, Helga looked up at Peregrin, her eyes reflecting the depths of her exhaustion as she whispered a request for him to take her to Marcus and Gortok. Despite her weariness, she knew that her companions needed her now more than ever, and she refused to let her own fatigue stand in the way of their well-being.

With Peregrin's help, Helga rose unsteadily to her feet, leaning on him for support as they made their way through the chamber in search of Marcus and Gortok.

As Helga approached Marcus and Gortok, her hands glowing with the gentle radiance of healing magic, she could see the pain etched upon their faces, their injuries testament to the fierce battle they had just endured. With a determined focus, she began to weave her spells, channeling the soothing energies of divine light to mend their wounds and ease their suffering.

With a tender touch, Helga laid her hands upon Marcus's injured back, her healing magic suffusing his body with warmth and relief. As the pain began to ebb away, Marcus let out a grateful sigh, his expression softening with gratitude for her care.

Meanwhile, Gortok stood by anxiously, his large frame trembling with concern as he watched over his companions. Despite his own injuries, he made sure to check on Marcus first, his childlike concern for his friend overriding his own pain.

"Are you okay, Marcus?" Gortok asked in his simple, earnest manner, his deep voice filled with genuine worry. "Gortok want to make sure you okay before Gortok."

Marcus smiled weakly at Gortok's words, touched by the orc's selflessness even in the face of his own injuries. "I'll be fine, Gortok," he reassured him, his voice tinged with gratitude. "But let's make sure you're okay too."

With Helga's healing magic flowing through them, Marcus and Gortok soon found their strength renewed, their wounds closing and their spirits lifted by her comforting presence. They stood together awaiting whatever comes next.

As the group gathered, Astrid couldn't help but feel a sense of frustration and self-doubt creeping into her thoughts. With a heavy sigh, she spoke up, her voice tinged with regret.

"I feel so useless," Astrid admitted, her tone tinged with disappointment. "If we encounter any more skeletons like that, I'll be nothing but deadweight. My arrows couldn't even hit the damn things."

Her words hung in the air, a tangible expression of her frustration and fear of being unable to contribute when her friends needed her most.

But before Astrid could sink further into despair, Marcus stepped forward, his voice filled with unwavering confidence and reassurance.

"That's not true, Astrid," Marcus countered, his gaze meeting hers with a steady intensity. "Without your keen eyes and quick reflexes, we wouldn't have even known there was an ambush in place. You may not have landed every shot, but your presence alone saved us from walking into danger blindly."

As Marcus's words of encouragement washed over her, Astrid couldn't help but feel a glimmer of hope ignite within her heart. His unwavering faith in her abilities gave her a sense of reassurance that she desperately needed in that moment. With a grateful smile, she nodded in acknowledgment, her eyes reflecting her gratitude for his support.

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