Chapter 8 Godforged

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The endless expanse stretched out before him like a vast, golden sea devoid of water. It was an enchanting sight, one that mesmerized him as he stood upon the edge, feeling the weight of his small stature against the grandiosity of the shimmering landscape.

The air was thick with a peculiar warmth, not the salty breeze of a typical ocean, but a gentle caress reminiscent of the sun's embrace. As he gazed out into the horizon, there was a sense of tranquility that enveloped him, like the calm before a storm that never arrived.

The golden expanse seemed to go on forever, undulating in gentle waves that danced in the light. Marcus couldn't help but feel a sense of awe and wonder at the sight before him.

Despite the absence of water, Marcus felt a strange sensation of weightlessness, as if he were adrift on the surface of a serene ocean. He closed his eyes and let himself be carried away by the illusion, surrendering to the vastness of the golden sea that surrounded him.

Amidst the endless expanse of the golden sea, Marcus noticed the twinkling presence of star-like flakes, drifting effortlessly like glitter caught in a gentle current. They shimmered and sparkled, casting a mesmerizing glow against the golden backdrop, adding an ethereal touch to the surreal landscape.

In their delicate dance, Marcus found himself entranced, feeling as though he were being drawn into the very heart of the cosmos itself. The star-like flakes illuminated his surroundings, casting a soft, otherworldly light that bathed everything in a warm, celestial glow.

As Marcus peered into the far reaches of the golden expanse, his keen eyesight caught sight of a familiar sphere, its silhouette barely discernible against the vastness of the horizon. A surge of recognition stirred within him, and without hesitation, he made the decision to swim towards it, propelled by determination and a sense of longing.

Though there was no water to swim through, Marcus pushed forward with all his might, his movements guided more by sheer willpower than any physical force. With each stroke, he felt himself drawing closer to the distant sphere, its presence beckoning him like a guiding star in the night sky.

The journey was arduous, and at times Marcus felt as though he were swimming against an invisible current, his progress hindered by the weight of the golden expanse pressing in around him. But he refused to be deterred, fueled by the hope of reaching his destination and the promise of what lay beyond.

As Marcus strained his eyes to discern the shape in the distance, a sense of recognition washed over him like a tidal wave. He knew what lay before him, though the realization formed silently in his mind, unspoken yet deeply felt.

There, emerging from the shimmering horizon, was the figure of the Iudex Golem, a presence that stirred a reverence within Marcus's soul. It was the being he had revered, an entity whose influence had guided him throughout his life, albeit in ways beyond mere worship.

As Marcus drew closer to the Golem, he became aware of a subtle yet unmistakable hum emanating from within its towering form. It was a sound that reverberated through the very air, a steady rhythm that seemed to pulse with life.

The hum resonated with a familiarity that sent shivers down Marcus's spine. It was akin to the heartbeat of every dwarf on the world of Aquila, a primal rhythm that echoed through the depths of his being.

As Marcus approached the enigmatic figure that loomed before him, he beheld a structure of incomprehensible grandeur. The colossal being appeared as a celestial marvel, encircled by concentric rings that spun gracefully around its form. These rings seemed to orbit the entity like celestial bodies in a cosmic dance, their movement both mesmerizing and hypnotic.

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