Panic and Power

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A/N: So I added some tags on AO... namely BAMF Midoriya Izuku and another one, but "Midoriya Izuku Has Panic Attacks" isn't nearly as fun or exciting :(

I've been up for twenty-seven hours and I still have to edit before posting... ah, this is the life, am I right? Not having to worry about sleep, just dropping dead at any moment from sheer exhaustion! :D

This chappy is... a lot. It's kind of all over the place, really. I started writing the first few pages last night, took a break, and then it spiralled into a twenty-page-long document so... you're welcome?

Regardless of the crappy writing concocted by my half-awake brain (which is running solely on author juice atm), I hope you enjoy!

Quality aside, I had fun. :)

Now onto the chappy, my gremlins! <3


It had been two weeks since Izuku moved into the vampires' house. Things were going pretty smoothly, all things considered—minus all the bland food and small portion sizes. Not that he could blame them for what he thought they were doing... I mean, look at me.

On the first day he was there, he'd thought it would be a shitty way to live. He'd expected to have to watch his surroundings at all times, sleep with one eye open, and be prepared for an attack at any moment.

What he was not expecting was the way the alphas treated him. They consoled him when he was upset or hurt, always asking if he was okay before leaving him to his own devices and offering a shoulder to cry on when he was particularly emotional. They included him in activities and conversations, from small things like offering him an extra Playstation controller when they were gaming to outings to the mall. They ensured his comfort, whether by moving on the couch to give him more space or adjusting the thermostat to his liking, they always checked if he was okay with the way things were. However, what truly amazed Izuku was the gentle and sweet nature of their touches, a stark contrast to the rough handling he had experienced from alphas in the past.

It was... weird, to say the least. Sometimes he almost felt coddled by the trio. They treated him like he was made of glass, like something precious that needed to be protected and cared for. He knew he was none of those things, and he certainly didn't deserve such kind treatment.

Another thing was the fact that they were almost always looking at him. And not with the hate or unashamed lust that Izuku usually saw in other people's eyes, it was more... wanting, if he had to put a label on it. Though he knew that he had to be wrong—after all, what could three hot alpha vampires possibly want from a useless, ugly, fat omega like him?

He knew he wasn't much to look at, he'd been told as much on countless occasions. In the past, he'd been called disgusting, hard to look at, and hard to talk to due to his stupidity—not because he was truly stupid, though. No, it was because that's how society viewed omegas. Either way, How could he ever possibly think that three alphas could ever want him? Not to mention the fact that they all seemed happy enough with each other.

So yeah, Izuku had to be imagining their wanting gazes, selfishly hoping that they were attracted to him, even though it would never happen.

But... that didn't stop the... dreams Izuku had sometimes. His memories were hazy, but he'd wake up with a smile on his face and a vague recollection of one or all three of the alphas in the back of his mind. In these dreams, they were gentle, and caring, and there was an unspoken closeness that he found both comforting and confusing. He often wondered if these dreams were a reflection of his desires or just his subconscious mind playing tricks on him. Either way, they left him with a lingering sense of warmth and longing that he couldn't shake off easily, even if he couldn't quite remember what happened. It was starting to scare him a bit if he were being honest. He had no idea what they meant.

The Vampires and the Faerie [TodoBakuKiriDeku]Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ