Chapter 18

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Jessica's P.O.V.

Louis been gone for a week. He hasn't called me or tried to contact any of the boys. Jay called two days ago and said that Lottie was Gina and simply had a major concussion and that had caused an anxiety attack. I asked her if she had been with Louis and she said he had gone home and she thought he was with us.

I'm really worried about him. No one knows where he is. What id he's been in another car accident? Is he hurt? The boys contacted the place yesterday and informed them that Louis had gone missing. Of course within hours it was all over the news.

Christmas was yesterday. We didn't have christmas because he wasn't here. We didn't celebrate his twenty first birthday. He's not here and there's nothin I can do about it. I've been havin worse nightmares. Usually havin something to do with John and the boys. The boys either end up getting killed or tortured.

I'm sitting in my bed curled up into a ball sobbing. I need Louis more than ever right now and he's not here. What if he never comes home? I was just gettin used to having a normal family. My door opens and Zayn walks into the room. He sits down on my bed and pulls me int his chest. I put my arms around his middle as cry into his shirt.

"Shhh. Jessy its going to be ok. He's going to be home real soon I promise." He continued co forming me until I eventually fell asleep. That's food because I haven't gotten much of it lately.


Louis' P.O.V.

"Where is she?! I know you have her somewhere! Now tell me?" He screams in my face. When I don't respond he hits me across the face. I feel the blood running down my cheek as he seethes with anger.

Lets back up to when I was supposed to be heading home two days ago. After my Mum and I go Lottie home I said my goodbyes and left. I had just left Doncaster and was driving in the middle of no where. Another car ran me off the road. They pulled ove and a large man stepped out of he black SUV. He cam ever t my car and opened the drivers side door. He force me out. He tied me up and knocked me out.

I woke up and I was in some shack in the middle of absolute no where. He kep asking me where 'she' was . I had no idea who he was talkin about. He finally came to his senses enough to explain. I had been kidnapped by John. Yes the same John that hurt my baby girl. He wants her back and decided to et the information out of me to her whereabouts. He should have known he wasn't going to hear a peep out of me.

Right now I'm tied up to a chair and he's interrogating me for the tenth time today. Every time I don answer or give a snide remark he just hits me. Yeah it hurts. A lot, but I'm protecting the person I care about most. My daughter. My phone starts to ring. I don't think he knows I have it. I never took it out s I could preserve the battery and call someone when I was alone.

He grabs my coat and takes my phone out of he pocket. By the its stopped ringing.

"Oh look little Jessica left her daddy a voice message. Lets listen shall we." He says evilly. He opens the message and turns the volume up so I can hear it. I fell a tear slide down my cheek as Jessica starts speaking.

"It's Jessica again. I don't know where you are or if your ever coming home. But please I need you. Daddy please come home. The boys need you and so do I. I miss you Daddy. Pleasant call me back. I love you." With that the message ends and he gives me an evil smile.

"Lets give Jessica a call back. We can let her know that her daddy won't be coming home any time soon." He presses the call button and hold the phone up to my mouth.

It runs several times before she answers.

"Hello?" She says sounds like she's been crying.

"Jessica it's Louis. Please know that I love you so much I wish I cou-" he cuts me off by throwing a punch into my stomach. I cry out on pain.

"LOUIS!! LOUIS WHERE ARE YOU??" She says frantically

"Hello Jessica. Remember me? Yeah our dad won't be coming home anytime soon." John says with a laugh. "You may as well say your goodbyes know."

"No. No no no. John let him go! He did nothing to you!" She yells into the phone

"Oh but he did sweetie, he took you from me. If I can't have you, than neither can he."

"Jessica don't listen to him please hang up." I scream. He hits me again and again. I cry out hoping that Jessica can't hear me and has hung up.

"Louis! Louis are you ok can you hear me? Daddy tell me your ok? Daddy please answer me!" She cries.

"Baby I'm ok. Just hang up Jessica. Pease baby girl I'll be ok." I reassure her.

"I'm sorry Jessica your dad has to go know he has a beating to get to." John sneers. He hangs up my phone just as Jessica's screams. He throws it acreoos the room against a wall. I watching shatter into a million peices. That was my only form of communication to any one. My not form of help.

He hits me across the face and in my stomach. He unites me from the chair as throws me to the floor. I push myself against a wall. I hug my knees to my chest s some form of protection. John is at lest 6'5 if not bigger. He towers over me and grabs my arm yanking me off the floor.

"Your going to pay for taking my kid away." He yells as he smashes me up against the wall. He punches my face and stomach several times before throwing me onto the floor.

He reaches into his pocket and takes out something shiny and holds it close to my face. It's a knife. He makes a long cut from my temple to the edge of my jaw bone. It immediatly starts bleeding and he wipes carelessly away.

"You little son of a b-" he's cut off by the door flying open adm five police officers barging into the room. They grab him off of me and handcuff him.

I'm still laying on the floor. I can't move my body won let me. My mind is telling me to get up and run but my boys is saying no. I see another person enter the room. Its dark and I can't make out who it is. I let my eyes shut. The person kneels down next to me.

"Daddy? Daddy can you here me?" The voice says. Jessica. My eyes open the tiniest bit and I see her tear stained face. "Daddy!" She yells. She throw her arms around my knock as I try to sit up. I feel her tears I mt shirt and I hold her close with one arm and support my body worth the other.

"I'm alright baby girl. Im ok." I reassure her. Se looks at me and gasps at the sight of my face.

"Oh my." She whispers she lays me back don and puts my head in her lap. "An ambulance is on the way. It going to alright." Ah whispers mainly to herself.

"I love you so much Jessica. I would never leave you on purpose." I whisper reaching up and rubbing her cheek with my thumb.

"I love you too Daddy. Please never leave me like that ever again." She says her tears falling into my face.

I start to close m eyes. I'm so tired. I just want to sleep.

"NO! Don't close your eyes, whatever you do don't go to sleep. The ambulance will be her any second." She says. I open my eyes again and several more figures enter the room. Liam and Zayn yank Jessica off of me and four more people load me onto a stretcher.

Jessica thrashes around and makes it out of their grasp and runs toward me. She grabs my hand and I squeeze hers tight. She runs beside to gurney but she's held back but two paramedics as they load me into the ambulance.

"No! No! Daddy!" That's the last thing i hear before I slip into uncointiousness.


Sorry super short chapter. I'll update soon I promise. Tell me what you think of the story so far!!!!




Keep loving and live on DREAMERS!!!!!!

💜 Madison

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