''The Smartworld'' 5

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The street was replaced by the familiar gray walls.
- Ruri, I'm hungry. - Meribel whispered, stroking her rumbling stomach.
- Yes, ma'am, what can I get you? Shall I order for two?
- Two? You don't think I can eat one portion? Are they that small here? - the girl said with a chuckle.
- Not at all. You have a guest waiting for you. That's why you're back so early today, isn't it?
- A guest? Where? Who? - Meribel asked in surprise.
- In the kitchen. First on the emergency contact list.
- What the hell, Ruri! Stupid AI! I told you not to call anyone! So you let anyone else in the house!
- I always follow protocols. You made the contact list by  yourself. If for some reason you can't trust this person, you should replace him with someone else.
Meribel sighed heavily:
- Okay who's there... - the girl froze. This was a face she would never mistake for any other.
- Mom... - Belle whispered. If it weren't for the horse dose of stabilizer, she would definitely be drowning in tears right now. The eyes that were dear to her, but so unreachable all these years, looked at her with care and love. " I don't know how, why, or because of whom..... BUT.... Thank you so much!"
Meribel's mom's name was Anastasia.  She was not a tall woman, with the same freckles as Meribel. Her straight, red hair was neatly tied back in a high ponytail. Her brown eyes, reflecting the light, shimmered with an amber luster, radiating anxiety:
- Hi, honey. I'm sorry for not authorizing this. Ruri sent an emergency signal. I got scared and ..... Well, here I am. Don't be mad, please, I didn't break our arrangement on purpose! - the woman looked fearfully at her daughter.
- Hi mom... Uh... No, it's okay. I told Ruri that was fine. But that stupid AI wouldn't listen to me.
- Are you sure you're okay? - The woman asked worriedly and continued:
- This is the first time I've ever gotten an emergency message from UWS, with the highest level of danger. It can't be so wrong. It's a perfect system.... Well, at least that's what the boss says.  Are you sure you're okay?
- Yeah, mom, I am. Nothing in the world is perfect.
- I beg your pardon, ma'am, - Ruri interjected, - but I would ask you not to compare my perfect system to primitive human thinking.
- Oh, really? It's flawless! - Meribel was indignant.
- That's right. Unlike you, I do not possess the main problem of all mankind.
- And what's that?
- It's something, you  called feelings.
- Oh, that's a problem?
- Naturally. Because of emotional imbalance, you often act rashly or do nothing when required. If my creator hadn't been picked up by a random passerby, he would have died of an overdose in a back alley, and this world would NEVER have had a perfect system capable of accomplishing the tasks you lack the focus, confidence, perseverance.... And much more. As you must have realized by now, the whole trouble with humanity is uncontrollable emotions.
- Do you really think our world would be worse off without you?
- Yes, I do.
- Well, how so? Give me just one example.
- Well, I'm the one who systematized millions of studies, most of which were never completed, due to lack of funding, and actually invented and improved thousands of cures. And you know why? Because developing Viagra, which was used to prolong erections, was more important than saving someone. After all, billions of people were having intercourse EVERY day, while, for example, only about a million people a YEAR died of cancer. Business. Instead of birth control, you preferred to let people die in agony from thousands of different diseases, because it 's much more profitable. The environment, the quality of life, the climate. You didn't care about a lot of things, as long as it didn't involve satisfying every second's desire. Well, at least, most of you. You want an example? It's right in front of you! Your mother was saved because of me. Although. That's probably not a good example for you. Considering your relationship.
- Ruri, that's enough! - Anastasia interrupted  UWS monologue," We all already know of your value and importance to our world.
- I apologize, ma'am. It was impermissible of me to belittle the owner of this account in front of his guest.
Meribel's heart raced. Now more than ever, she was grateful to the stabilizer for keeping her from feeling all that heartache. "How can this be? I spent so many years wishing my mom were alive! I didn't understand why death takes good people, and trash like my father, lives on and doesn't know any grief. How come I became such a bitch here? How did she even manage to hate my mom? What's wrong with her?!?!? That's our MAMA! Why..."
The girl was pulled out of her heavy thoughts by Anastasia's voice:
- Honey, I know you're annoyed by all these physicals. But it's a mandatory procedure. We're sorry. We really only wanted the best for you..... Uh, uh. Let's just schedule another appointment at a time that's convenient for you, okay? Mom will take care of it.
At this point, the girl remembered the pharma's words and replied:
- Yeah, that's kind of unnecessary. Deborah took me to a private eye. I shouldn't have gone to that club yesterday. But don't worry, I'm fine!
- I'm glad to hear it, darling, but a physical is mandatory...
- Ruthie, update my health records. - Belly interrupted her mother.
- Requesting information. Confirming the data was updated 20 minutes ago. No anomalies. Regular checkups have been rescheduled for next quarter. I strongly recommend that you decide on a date as soon as possible.
- There you go!
- Yeah. You're right... Well, then, I dare not bother you any more.... - The woman hesitated and slowly got up from her chair:
- Ruri transfer point.... - Anastasia began to voice the command, but Meribel interrupted her:
- STOP! - The girl unconsciously grabbed her mother's arm, "Stay for dinner. Well, if you have time ...
- Yes, of course, I'd love to! What...
-The command is not complete. State the transfer point. - Ruri intervened in the awkward dialog.
- Oh, yes. Perhaps we shouldn't, my dear. Maybe... -  The woman, seeing the pleading in her daughter's eyes, hesitated and sat back in her chair:
- Cancel the perennosis point. What do you want to eat? - The woman smiled and looked tenderly at Meribel.
- Meat! I'm really hungry! Ruri, a chair!
- I'm sorry, but your default settings in the kitchen allow only one seat at the table.
- Ruri, chair! - said the girl unhappily.
- Activation: chair. Are you sure? According to the standard...
- Shut up and order us some meat! Mom, what do you want?
- I don't care. Just get whatever you want.
- A double portion, please.
- What kind of meat do you want, ma'am?
- Let's have an assortment. Let's go for a walk! - said with a smile, and thought to herself: "I hope I have money for such feasts."
- What would you like for a side dish?
- I don't care. Some vegetables. Don't forget to drink.
- What are you drinking?
- Do you have any cola?
- Request error. Should I do  thorough search?
- No, I don't think so. "Don't they have Coke? Well, an emotionless machine can't think of such a thing. After all, desire is evil! " The girl thought to herself, but said aloud:
- Juice! Do you have juice?
- Yes. Which one do you want?
- Let's have orange. Or do you want something else? - Meribel turned to her mother.
- No, I don't think so. Order me the same thing you ordered for yourself. - the woman hesitated.
- Uh. That's it. Ruri, you may proceed with the order.
- Command accepted. Waiting time is two minutes.
"Wow! Our doshiki takes longer to steam! Well, let's see what we're eating here!" Meribel only now realized that her last meal was two days ago, in another world. And that it had been leftovers from her father's alcoholic feast...
- Uh. How are you doing? - Anastasia tried to start a dialog.
- I'm fine. Nothing new. How about you? - Meribel answered just as uncertainly.
- Same old same old.
- And how are the other family members? - The girl had no idea what her family was like now.
- Don't be like that. He's your father. I realize you two don't have the best relationship, but still... - the woman stopped talking. She looked at her daughter guiltily:
- I'm sorry. I shouldn't have done that. You first time in these years showed a desire to spend time with me, and I ... Here I go again. You have every right to be angry with us. But, honey, look, we really didn't mean you any harm. It was the right thing to do at the time. We didn't have much choice.
- I'm sorry, ma'am, but to avoid misinformation, it should be made clear that both then and now, the program is free. You had a choice. And you made it.
Anastasia lowered her eyes and looked at the fancy bows on her shoes.
- The order is complete. Bon appetit! - pronounced UWS and on the table immediately, out of nowhere, appeared food, servered as in the best restaurants of the capital, the former world. Well, at least Meriabelle thought it looked like that in restaurants. The delicious aroma of roasted meat and stewed vegetables tickled her nose pleasantly. The girl's stomach immediately reacted to the odor with an insistent rumbling. Mother and daughter laughed and, wishing each other a pleasant appetite, began to eat. After a few minutes, Meribel tried to lighten the mood with casual conversation:
- Uh... It's like a tablecloth. You know, like in that fairy tale. - and seeing the bewilderment on her mother's face, tried to clarify:
- You know, the way the food came out of nowhere.
- Uh... Well, yes. - the woman answered indifferently.
No one said another word during dinner. Meribel realized that the mother she had longed to meet and this woman were different people. Though she was still pleased to see a face that was painfully familiar and beloved.
- Well, thank you for dinner. I think I'll be going now. Uh, you call me if you want. We can still get together like this.....
Meribel nodded silently. She lacked the resolve to even look her mother in the eye. She felt like a little thief.
- Okay mom, see you later.
- Ruri, transfer point: My home.
As soon as the woman disappeared Meribel looked at the table and with a heavy sigh, she silently said:
- Emergency cleanup: table.
- Starting the audio file.
No sooner had the girl asked UWS what file he was talking about, than she immediately heard her own voice:
- You're such a sucker! You fell for this fucking face of a great martyr?!?!? Have you forgotten what they did to you?!? When they needed money, they sold you to UWS for experiments. They're not  parents! Those bastards don't care about you! You're still on that fucking emotion stabilization program because you're still under 18, and these scumbags are used to making a good living off your misery! Use your fucking brain and don't fall for that bullshit! You're all you got! Even Debbie and Carol care about you more than these assholes! At least your friends give a shit where you are and what's wrong with you! Come to your senses! Don't be a wimp!
A tear rolled down Meribel's cheek.
- Audio file restart. - UWS warned indifferently.
- Cancel. Not worth it.
- Command error. I'm rerunning. You need a password to cancel.
Belle obviously didn't know the password. She collapsed to the floor, wrapped her arms around her knees, and sat quietly. For the umpteenth time in the last few hours, she was truly grateful to the stabilizers. If it weren't for them, she simply wouldn't have made it.... After a couple of repetitions, Meribel couldn't bear to scream at  UWS:
- How much longer do I have  listen that!!!? - to which the system promptly responded:
- 97 repeats left. If you want to stop playing the audio file, please say the password.
- Fuck you!
The girl got up, walked slowly to her room, collapsed on the bed and fell asleep to her angry and dissatisfied voice.

Meribel     Lost Among the WorldsNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ