''The Smartworld'' 6

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- Good morning! It's 8:00 AM. Sunny and spring-like warm weather is expected. A light breakfast and hot coffee are waiting in the kitchen. I turn on some rhythmic, light music to wake up faster.
- Ahh! There's that awful song again! Ruri, are you kidding me? - Meribel wheezed in a sleepy voice, trying to escape from the unspeakable sounds under her pillow.
- Good morning, Mistress. How are you feeling?
- I was fine until I heard you.
- Well, I'm glad, that reciprocity is an human trait.
- Fuck you! And turn off that cacaphony of ugus. - The girl was indignant and threw her pillow against the wall.
Meribel sat down on the bed. The first thing that caught her eye were her feet: dirty, in sadinas.... As, in fact, the whole of her gave off a foul stench. "Okay. I definitely need a shower."
- Ruri, where's the bathroom, the shower? Or a bowl of water! - smelling her armpit, - and it's urgent.
- Uh, a basin of water? I see you've developed some new kinky hobbies, ma'am. The shower's where it's been all this time - where the toilet is.
- It's not in the... Aaaa.... Got it. Thank you.
- Oh, another date on my happy calendar.
- What are you talking about?
- It's not every day you spoil me with gratitude.
- Go to hell. - Belle muttered and went off to regain her human form.
Twenty minutes later, she was in the kitchen, eating breakfast and watching the news.
- It's a crazy world, though! - Ruri, what's a LogoDog?
- Well, he's not much different from a normal dog. He's more docile, more intelligent. Never hurts his master. Unlike a typical dog. He doesn't get sick, he doesn't eat, so he doesn't have to clean up after him. It's allowed everywhere. All the advantages of a flesh-and-blood replica. Why do you ask? You don't like animals, do you?
- Oh, really? I'm just curious. - And pushing aside the empty mug, - uh, clothes as usual?
- Yes, ma'am, that's right.
The girl returned to the bedroom where, in the closet, the system had prepared her uniform in advance. The girl stared dispassionately at the clothes: " Exactly the same as in that world.... Yep... "
Yesterday, through all the commotion, she hadn't paid attention. Though, she didn't really care much about it now either. The stabilizers were doing their job properly.
- Transfer point: The backyard of the lyceum.
Meribel closed her eyes warily this time. When she opened them, she was a little surprised: The same frightened couple against the wall, the same gawkers, the same gang..." It's like deja vu all over again! Or am I time-traveling now, too? No..... Bullshit! ". The girl paid attention to her legs:" Skirt, not gym shoes. So today is today, not yesterday.... Aaaaah.... Oh, yeah, how could I forget? The basic victims and the acts perpetrated on them are largely unchanged. A goddamn system of violence by the strong against the weak. Another world, but this shit's still the same...."
- Belly-ly - Deborah hung around Meribel's neck, and continued to gibber resentfully, "How are you, my darling? You left yesterday without explaining anything. She didn't answer the phone either! We were all worried!
- We had a great party with the musicians. You should have come with us. - Carol cut in. - Well, it's a good thing everything's back to normal today.
- Yeah, and I'd glad to see you to! ("No way!") I had to leave yesterday. Ruri thought I was dying for a missed physical and contacted my emergency contact.
- Oh, so you saw her? - Carol looked at her friend worriedly.
- Sort of.
- How was it?
- Uh, it was like.. Nothing. Truly! We played a little staring game and than she went home.
- The usual. What about you? - Carol continued her little interrogation.
- She's fine. Nothing to worry about. You guys having fun, I see?
- Yeah, we do. You want to join us?
- The faces are still the same... - said Meribel, nodding her head toward the couple.
- Yeah, why, did you like the kid? - Carol asked snidely.
- Uh, no. It's just, don't you get tired of them?
- What do you mean?
- Well, same faces, same reactions. Don't you want something new?
- Well, in the first place, there is no need, and in the second, suckers, what do you think, at every crossroads, or what?
Meribel laughed out loud:
- Look around, there's a whole crowd behind you. - She turned to the guy a couple of steps away from her, poked him with her finger and said: "Him, for example. Or - turning 180 degrees - or her. Why are you so fixated on those two? You got a crush on the guy? He didn't reciprocate, so you're freaking out. Or is it a girl? Oh, dude, I didn't know what you liked, sorry. But don't worry, I'll always be there for you......
- Fuck you! - Carole freaked out - I'm going to class! - and the girl hurried away.
- Belly-ly, you overreacted. - Deborah said angrily and followed her friend:
- Carole, wait for me!
- What are you looking at? Fuck you all! - The angry Meribel shouted, and with a look of contempt at the couple, she gritted her teeth:
- You're worthless. How wretched you are... - and went off to class.
The bell rang, signaling the beginning of class. Belle just couple minutes lated. But it was enough for him to start reprimanding the girl. Meribel freaked out, cursed at the AI and left. Both friends leave their seats to follow her.
- Uh, what the hell are you guys doing following me?
- Why wouldn't ? - said Deborah, hanging on Belle's shoulder.
- But I'm still mad at you, - said Carol, pouting theatrically, - and you owe me a chocolate.
And the girls left the school building.
On the way they took their pockets from some kid who was late for school and went to spend them on some goodies. So they wandered the streets until evening. When it got dark, Meribel went home, had a bite of something randomly chosen by AI and went to bed.....
That's how the next few days went. Her friends bullied the schoolmates, she bullied her friends. Afterwards they would run away from lessons, make a gop-stop to some junior high school student and go partying. One day followed another.... Meribel didn't see much difference between them. She still woke up to the same ghastly cacaphony of horror, because the system required a password to change, and she didn't know it. Same way she was transported to the lyceum afterward, with her friends, running away from classes.... Exactly until that unfortunate morning...
- Morning! It's 8:00 AM. The weather is expected to be sunny like all last week. A light breakfast and hot coffee await in the kitchen. I turn on rhythmic, light music to wake up faster.
- Oh, for fuck's sake! - Shouted Meribel into her pillow, but instead of the usual banter UWS prostenagrafic:
- One new message received. Would you like to listen it?

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