Comforting Touch...(KonigxOC)

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Once again, we get to see everybody's favorite anxious boy. Shout-out to @dusty_hillz!


König was never shy, he was a colonel for goddess sakes. He was, however, very socially awkward and anxious.

Certain social situations, such as going around in his normal civilian life, would often overwhelm him, making him aggressive towards people.

But Indy was always patient with him. She understood why he became aggressive and did everything she could to make sure he was okay afterwards. Today he was overwhelmed with buying new clothes as Indy began to reassure him he was okay.

"Here, you sit down on the bench and keep an eye on my six while I pick out some thing for you. That ok?" Indy knew the best way to get him to relax was to remove any and all pressures from him.

König nods, taking his spot on the bench. He takes some deep breathes and watches the exit, ready to take action if there was danger. However, he kept looking over to check on Indy as well.

She let's him play soldier and keep gaurd as Indy searches for some clothes consistent with his style. Choocing for him removes his anxiety when it comes to looking for clothes in his size, while letting him keep gaurd gives him something to do that he is familiar with.

König watches as hers can the different racks for some clothes, his focus wavers between Indy and the store's exit. He smiles a bit when he sees a specific outfit and leans over towards her direction on the bench to get a better glimpse. After she decides on an outfit, his focus slowly changes to Indy as he smiles a bit more, content with her presence.

"Alright, to the changing room we go so that you can try this on. My turn to keep an eye on your six."

König laughs, realizing the role reversal.

"Yes, ma'am." He follows Indy to the fitting room, keeping an eye on the perimeter.

"Go on. I want to see how you look in this stuff." Indy hands him an outfit consistent of some dark jeans, a white tee-shirt, a leather jacket, and black boots.

He grabs the clothes from her and heads into the changing room. The walls of the room were thin, so she could hear the rustling of clothing as he removed his uniform and threw it on the ground. A minute later Indy can hear the sound of the door sliding open as he steps out in the jacket and boots. His hair covered his eyes a bit as he smiled at her with the jacket unzipped. It looked pretty good.

"Perfect. You look wonderful. Now give me a little spin." Indy smiles excitedly and twirls her finger when she tells him to give her a spin.

König blushes and smiles but spins slowly around. 

"You still look assertive yet stylish. My best work yet." She was clearly satisfied with her choices.

He was normally so stoic, but with Indy he was able to show more emotion and be vulnerable. It was something he rarely felt, but with her, he felt comfortable to be himself.

"Alright, change back into your stuff, and let's go pay."

He nods, disappears into the changing room once more. A minute later , the door slides open, and he steps out. He's wearing his normal uniform, all in black with his military insignia on the shoulder showing he's a colonel.

"I should see about getting you military-esque style of clothes. It'll be more ordinary yet still inside your comfort zone." Indy muses as she takes the clothes from him.

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