He's Feeling Affectionate....(GhostxOC)

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You know, I 100% believe this is cannon. Might just be me, though. Shoutout to @terra-nator on C.AI for the bot!


Being in a relationship with Ghost was...strange. He was distant and cold, and his affection came in sudden spurts.

Indy was in the middle of getting a snack from the vending machine outside her office when she felt someone rest their chin against her shoulder, arms snaking around her waist.

"Hm...where were you this morning?" Ghost grumbled out while gently shoving Indy's jaw with the top of his head, lightly glaring at her from under his mask— a small sign he wanted affection.

"Hello, nice to see you too, love. Oh, me? I'm doing well. Missed you this morning, too, but I had back-to-back briefings and meetings to deal with." Indy responds, not at all phased by her boyfriend's antics.

Ghost's arms tightening around her waist. He was like an overly-affectionate cat, albeit with more of an edge to his actions. He huffs a bit and continues hugging her tightly, cheek nuzzling her shoulder. "Mm. You're cute." He mutters, a hint of amusement in his tone despite him sounding serious all the time.

"Thank you, darling." She smiles at the compliment.

He hums in response, cheek rubbing against her neck as he presses his face into her. "What did I do to deserve you?" He mumbles, still nuzzling her.

"Be yourself." Indy answers sincerily.

He pulls back slightly and looks up at her with a bit of a raised eyebrow, a faint smile noticable through his mask. "What? I'm a pain in the ass and an introvert." He points out.

"Kettle, meet pot." She chuckles.

This comment takes Ghost by surprise, letting out a soft laugh. "I mean...you're not wrong." He admits. "I'm too used to being alone and detached that I don't know what to do with you sometimes."

Indy was well aware of how Ghost normally operates. She doesn't hold it against him, though, knowing it'll just take some time for him to feel fully comfortable and open up. "Just love me and you will be fine."

"I can do that." Ghost responds, squeezing her to him again. "And I do love you, even when my grumpy side shows or when I'm distant."

She nuzzles him in return. "Your grumpy side is cute. Cute agression is a thing, you know."

He laughs again at that, his face turning slightly red. "You would say that."  Ghost turns a bit more serious as he remembers that he couldn't find Indy earlier that day. "Hm...you're never missing. At least not long enough that I notice. You should let me know if you disappear for half of a day..."

It's a bit of a new experience for Indy, seeing Ghost act like this. It makes her feel a bit warm inside and protected knowing he keeps an eye on her and looks for her if she's gone too long. "Alright, I'll text you next time."

He huffed, turning his head to look at her— the fact she caught him being vulnerable seemed to embarrass him. "Whatever...don't worry about it." He mutters.

"I think I will, actually." Indy turns around to hug him. Ghost stiffened at first, but he soon relaxed in her arms and returns the hug. 

Ghost just stayed silent for a moment before whispering. "Don't tell anyone."

Indy nods. "I'll take the secret to my grave. I like knowing your protective of me, though."

His soft mood doesn't last very long since he doesn't like that she knows he's protective of her and tries to deny it, not liking his 'weak' moment of vulnerability. "I'm not protective of you." He scoffed. Truth is, Ghost would protect her with his life...but he would never tell her that.

It was interesting to see how Ghost switched from soft and affectionate to cold and distant. It was like he was 2 completely different people. 

Indy simply rolls her eyes and decided to address him as if he were two different people. "Can I speak to the boyfriend named Simon? As much as I enjoy boyfriend Ghost, Simon and I were having a bit of a moment before being so rudely interrupted."

Ghost froze for several long seconds — he had never expected her to be bold enough to do something like that.

"I-...well...yes. Yes you can." Simon's tone was soft and so much more relaxed than the military operator known as Ghost. "What do you need, darling?" Simon softly asked.

"Actually, I want to know what you need. I'm pretty sure you were after some affection. You want that in the form of hugs, kisses, or words?" It's clear Indy is more than willing to give Simon whatever he wants.

This is one of the times Simon regrets not having his eye black on. He goes bright red under the mask, something Indy can clearly see. "I-..um..wha-...hng..." Simon's flustered and can barely complete a sentence. "W-well..I-...all three...?"

Indy chuckles as her tactic works. "The works, got it. Let's head to my office and get out of the hall."

Simon nods mutely and let's her take his hand and pull him to her office. He's still trying to figure out what just happened. 




He stopped wondering what happened after a bit. Mostly, it was because his mind was in over-ride mode at what Indy was doing to him.

Simon was putty in her hands, open to any and all kisses, gentle caresses, and loving words coming from Indy. He was so lost in it that he couldn't remember why it was that he hadn't done this earlier. 

Indy presses one last kiss to his forehead. "Alright, that should do. Don't want you too far gone and unable to function the rest of the day."

The last kiss caused Simon to almost immediately snap back from the cloud of affection. He felt almost disoriented at the sudden lack of touch from Indy. 

"Mm...fine, fine...I'll settle for that..." Simon murmured out, taking a moment to adjust himself a bit which was mostly a cover-up for the fact that he's a tad...well, over-stimulated.

Indy admires him with a smile. "It's really cute seeing you all red. I almost don't want this to end."

"Only you would think that." He grumbles, still trying to pull himself together. After a few seconds, he's back to his signature closed-off look.

"Ah, Ghost is back. Let me guess, you're not gonna come seeking affection for a long time." Indy says with a chuckle.

Ghost simply narrows his eyes at her, not giving her an answer. The truth is, Ghost loved it. He enjoyed the affection Indy gave him, he just feels a bit weird at the fact that he was so soft.

"Finish your work. Don't need you working late just because of me." He grumbles, standing to leave her office.

"Alright, I'll finish my work. Just answer me one thing."

He looks at her curiously before nodding for her to ask her question.

"If I come to you for cuddles, will you let me? You can literally just sit there, I'll do all the work." Indy knows this is a long shot and that it'll be a miracle if Ghost agrees. She mostly asks because she's curious as to how he will respond.

 Ghost just stares at her for a few seconds before walking away. Indy sighs, expecting a reaction along those lines, but still disappointed.

"When I'm alone in my office. No more than twice a week." He says over his shoulder at Indy.

Indy beams at that, excited at the prospect of being able to get closer to Ghost. He's rough around the edges, but deep down, he really is a sweetheart. 

The fact that Indy knows he has a soft side is what makes Ghost anxious. But whenever he thinks of how she hugs him and kisses him and just makes him feel like the rest of the world doesn't matter, all that fades away. It's why he agreed to her proposition. 

One thing's for sure, though, Indy will break through to him. It's an eventuality Ghost can see coming from a mile away, and he's excited for it.

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