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Meanwhile, at high sea near the jurisdiction of Azur Lane, a fleet composed of ships from the Royal Navy and Eagle Union is on a small exploration mission in enemy waters.

The fleet led by the USS Intrepid aircraft carrier is engaging in combat against a fleet of mass-produced sirens. Although the enemy is weak, they are numerous, which is a thorn in Azur Lane's side.

A destroyer attempted to run over Sandy, but she dodges and annihilates it with her close-range cannons.

Sandy: You have a long way to go if you want to touch the number one idol of Azur Lane!

Atlanta: Don't get distracted, plesase.

In that moment, Atlanta destroys another enemy destroyer with one of its salvos.

Sandy: (Pouting) Pu, pu, you're not fun.

Kent: Ready for a DOKAN!

The Kent cruiser fires a salvo destroying an enemy cruiser, meanwhile Intrepid is waiting for the report from her scout planes and when she receives the report, she smiles from ear to ear.

Intrepid: I found them.

Then she sends a report to the base in Pearl Harbor.

The message from Intrepid is received by London, who is with Wales in their command office.

London: Receiving message from the Intrepid fleet, they have discovered the enemy base, coordinates *****, I repeat: they have discovered the enemy base, coordinates *****.

Wales: (Smiles) Finally, we caught them.

Cleveland: What are we going to do?

Wales: It's obvious, we will attack. London, send communication to the Intrepid fleet to retreat to the base. We will organize a new fleet for the attack. We are going to hit them hard!


After that unbearable report for enrollment in the academy, we now wander aimlessly around the academy. While doing so, I could see that in the academy courtyard, many kansen are exercising. I could see Ranger and Wasp leading the formation, with cruiser and destroyer type kansen running behind them.

Wasp: (Very excited) One more round! Follow me to the end of the world!

Charles: (Very tired) It's impossible! It's already the 124th lap around the courtyard and the courtyard is 400 meters long!

Bush: (Running with difficulty) My legs, I can't feel my legs anymore!

Mullany: (Very tired) I have to be in the kitchen! I had plans with my friends to have a barbecue!

Wasp: If you have enough energy to have a barbecue! Then run!

Ranger: (Bowing) I'm sorry, but that's just how she is, so hang in there, you have my unconditional support from the bottom of my heart.

Me: F, for them.

Fletcher: Mullany and Bush! Cheer up!

Upon seeing their older sister giving them encouragement, Mullany and Bush regained all their morale and energy and followed the instructor to the end.

Me: Wow, 100% effective.

Cooper: That's our teacher, in her free time she likes to exercise and always competes against Baltimore, and always loses.

Me: Do you lose?

Cooper: Well, nobody can beat Baltimore in any kind of competition, whether practical or theoretical, she is a natural genius.

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