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AS MIZZEN CHARMED THE CROWD, HESTIA WATCHED, PEARLS CLUTCHED TIGHTLY IN HER HANDS. It was for both of their benefits that she stayed back. While known for her beauty and skill in Four, she was also known for being off putting and remarkably uncharming.

She would not bite back the disgust at the crowds, the way young Mizzen did as he proudly showed off the embroidery of his pants, boasting of his sister's skills with a needle.

"You aren't very friendly, are you?" A boy joined her, from one of the lower Districts. His blond hair and shut eye were distinctive as well as his heavy pants, yet Hestia still couldn't place his name.

Her eyes remained on her partner as she spoke, "So, you deduced that, yet still came over here to bother me?"

He nodded, "I'm Tanner."

She didn't really care, "Hestia."

The boy laughed, "I know. Unlike you I paid attention during the introductions."

"What's the point? Twenty-Four of us will be dead in a matter of time."

The blonde beside her considered her question, a comfortable silence between them before he answered, "Maybe so at least we'll know whose blood is on our hands?" He nodded over to Mizzen, "You two teaming up?"

"Teaming up?" She allowed herself to turn from Mizzen, he was clearly safe. The residents viewed them with fear and caution, not hatred and malevolence.

"I guess I mean you'll look after one another in the arena. Brandy and I made a pact not to kill each other unless we're the final two." He pointed out his District Partner. She sat with some of the others, a permanent scowl on her dirtied face.

"What's with the dirt?" Hestia was blunt in her question, never one to understand why others took such offense to the things she said.

Tanner snorted, "We went straight from the Slaughterhouse to the Reaping—they don't stop work for it, just give us an extended break and hope none of the employees get Reaped. Too bad for the bosses, lost two of us."

Hestia raised her brows and feigned a cringe, "Yikes."

"You work?" Oh, good Poseidon. I hate small talk. Why does he care if I work?

"Uh, yeah."

There was a beat of silence. "Where?"

"Oh, you expected me to tell you... uh, I'm a Pearl diver." She plucked her necklace with her thumb, pulling it slightly so Tanner could see. "It's a...more useful skill in Four than I'd imagine in District..."


"Right. Ten... livestock." How would Caspian continue the conversation? "You slaughter animals too?" Not her best work, admittedly.

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