The Veiled Land

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When one thought of Hell, one often thought of the most vivid and detailed versions of it. The Hell from Dante's Inferno, which clearly described most forms of punishment, and their severity. The 10 rings of Hell mirroring Heaven's. The Hell from the Doom series, bright red and graphic with blood, bones, and corpses. A variety of demons, gore and violence was available to those aggressive and powerful enough to survive, fire and brimstone...

But that was what man thought Hell would be like.

As Ochako Uraraka and Izuku Midoriya both viewed the scene before them in awe... they took in every detail. No mortal eyes had seen this place before... and if they were successful... they'd be the first to return to the land of the living having visited this place. It would be a story they would only share with those they trust, if at all, though.

There were eight major... zones. That's the best way to describe it. In the center was a large, inverted castle. Its spires looked like the equivalent of stalactites, made of a dark, almost vantablack stone. A ring of lava surrounded the edge of the pit, with some streams flowing upwards, while beyond that lava river... was a deep black pit, as if it swallowed everything that entered it, including any potential light. The lowest tip of the castle dipped far into it, with 7 bridges linking to it, connecting to each territory, to each sin.

Next, and closest, was a mesa biome, of sandy rock, and dead plants. A single, tiny river snaked its way through. It was desolate, barren... and a land of little. A plentiful land of shimmering beauty, and then a land which seemed to draw one in. Each area, while it could be described simply, it was simply not enough to give them justice. If Hell could be stunning with its unique natural environments... what would Heaven be like? Continuing to trace her eyes around the castle, next was a land of brimstone and fire. Clearly designed to be the representation of hell from what a mortal would understand it to be. In the center was a castle, designed for ostentation instead of defensive capability. Closest to them, on the border, was a large and dreamlike forest. A place which would seem to be opposite to what Hell would seem like.

Still with awe, Ochako asked, "Is... is this it?"

"This is Hell, as... you mortals call it." Katrina stated, glancing at the two souls. It was clear she had little love for this place, especially with how happy she seemed in Mykonos. 

Now that intrigued the pair of them. It implied a history beyond humanity, with its own customs. "Is there something you call it?"

She shrugged, "Nothing special. Velata Terra... but as mortals... arrive..." The redheaded demoness gestured to the right, drawing their attention to... a line of mortals. Souls arrived in a single line... before she looked around and saw similar lines, passing through other, smaller doors, just like the one they had arrived through, dotted all around the sphere that was the nickel and iron shield. "The name... stuck. They will be... sorted... and divided... between my family. They do not... realize... that their freedom... is now... forfeit... as they... are brought into service..." Service... what did that mean?


"Mhm..." Katina sighed, closing her eyes, remembering what she had tried for a long time to escape from. "Souls either struggle alone, or serve. A system both sides use." She sounded... regretful, with some amount of suppressed anger. "I hate it. I couldn't... stand it. Grandmother and Grandfather... didn't create human souls... to be used as... mere servants. I refuse to... believe... it."

"Is that... what always happens?" Izuku asked, unnerved by all of this.

She sighed, not expending the energy to shake her head in refusal. "No. Grandmother... cannot... be everywhere at once... and some fall... through... the cracks." Starting to walk, she gestured for them to follow. "Come... we have... little time, now that we... are here..."

Agreeing, she led them into the forest covered in a lavender haze. As soon as the pair of souls entered, their body felt... heavy. Much, much heavier, and a shroud of fatigue fell over them. Before they could say anything... Katrina noticed their plight, and sighed with an unusual emotion. Regret? Some power? "This ream... used to be mine... and I still have power..." She gestured over the angelic being, and a clarity of thought rested on them. "A ward... against Sloth. Do not falter, otherwise it shall fail."

"Right..." The two continued, the forest seemingly stretching on forever. There were signs of civilization, but they seemed... unfinished. Partially done. And then they started to see souls.

This was the first time the duo had ever seen a proper soul. Sebastian was unique for his lineage, and he'd only ever had experience with gods and the demoness they walked with. Actual spirits were... different. For one, they showed their wounds, the damage they sustained in their final moments, and wore simple garments, from a variety of time periods. Pre-quirk, to post-quirk, and everything in between. Most unnerving of all, is that none of them were standing up. Lying on the ground, unmoving. Leaning against trees, fully aware, but imprisoned in their own bodies... or the equivalent for a soul. A man on the ground, unable to move. A woman leaned against a tree, eyes half open, her gaze following the two beings as they walked past. All who could see them watched as they passed... but the worst of it was a little girl, towards the edge of the wood, less than 6 years of age. She had curly brown hair, with startling blue eyes. When walking past, the two jumped in surprise as the girl suddenly grabbed their ankle. Looking into her eyes, she tried to speak. Their mouth failed to move, save the jaw slacking, but her weak voice was barely discernible, "Hel... ee..." After a moment, their face contorted in horror as they realized what she was saying.

Katrina sighed, before pulling them away, to the girl's distress. "I'm sorry you see this. People go where they go. To be honest... this... isn't how my Sloth... usually is."

A tear running down their cheek, they glared pointedly at her, as if daring her to justify this. And to her credit, Katrina didn't. "This is Hell. Most... of my siblings choose to... show their strength by exerting their will, and tormenting their subjects, or those unlucky enough to earn their wrath. I... didn't. I chose not to, when I was Duchess... But, since I gave up my land... my power here has weakened... and Selina now does... what she wants..." Again, that... monster of a demon was behind more suffering. As unique as it was total in its effect.

"What... what did they do?"

Katrina's words made their collective heart sink. She struggled to keep her sentences from drifting off like normal, in order to give those poor souls the respect they deserved. "Nothing. They suffer for no reason. Those souls have done no wrong, but were rejected by Heaven. That community... was likely just that. After all, This is the most... hospitable of the realms."

It was at that somber thought... when they reached the end. The castle was ahead, one of 7 bridges linking to the obsidian colored castle. Walking on the wooden bridge, no words were said. A dark presence could be felt in the higher reaches of the castle, becoming ever more present with every step. Looking down at the bridge, they noticed that there was a massive pit of darkness below them, and the spire going down further below.

"That's where... the throne room... is..." Katrina stated, her voice mostly back to normal, albeit with a hint of... anxiety. That was... unusual. She'd never shown a hint of fear, not once. Not even about the suffering of others... but about Artorian? It was clear that she was, most certainly anxious.

"Are you alright?"

"Hm? Don't... worry... I just haven't... left... on good terms... but I'm sure it'll be..." Struggling to find the right word, she just stated, "Fine..."

The bridge continued to creak as they walked on its wooden planks... some of them disconcertedly so. Even with that, they didn't break. Reaching the end of this bridge, the duo remained still. There were massive dark iron gates blocking the path, such as one would find at a European castle. 5 minutes pass before the gates opened, the beings manning them recognizing that the Daughter of the Dark had returned home.

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