Artorian, King of Hell, and Groomsman of the Dark

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The iron gates closed behind Katrina and Ochako, cloaking them all in shadow. The castle was dark. No surprise there, but the entrance hall was large, circular, with a singular elevator in the central platform. There were deep orange torches which projected some light, but one thing they noticed was that it seemed that the torches got darker the deeper into their unusual flames you look. Armor of dark metals stood at attention, but they were just stands of armor. At least at appearances. Arriving in the center, the two stepped onto the elevator. The center of the device sank slightly, clearly a pressure reading plate which activated the mechanisms, causing it to descend further into the dark. The only thing that Ochako and Izuku could see, even with their new adaptations to their eyes... could only see Katrina's form in the dark. Her skin and hair seemed radiant against the abyss they now entered.

Katrina, sensing their unease, gave words of comfort. "Do not fear... I will not let you be hurt." She offered her hand for her to grab, and as much as the two were embarrassed... they wanted the assurance that they wouldn't be separated, and so they took it. "Remember what I told you, and you should be fine. Remember, the Dark is only as scary as you see it to be."

With that, the elevator slowed... and they arrived. The room was completely dark, no light at all, and no ability to see anything. Not even the floor. Katrina guided her inwards, away from the elevator, which she could hear reactivate, heading straight up, back towards the light. Swallowing her fear, Ochako continued to step forward, Izuku, all the while, being a comfort through his presence and internal voice, only quieting down when Katrina squeezed her hand. Reminding them that all could hear his whispers.

Soon enough, Katrina extended her other arm, and pushed open a door that they couldn't see. Ochako similarly reached out, and found the other door, and pushed it back as well.

"Enter." A powerfully ancient voice reached out, and they entered. "And Seek..."

For the first time since they descended to this level, she could see something other than Katrina.

Two large faintly glowing orange eyes could be seen in the dark. They burned at them, as if searing their souls... before glancing back to Katrina.

"You've... come home..." He seemed a mix of angered and curious. The terms of the demoness' departure had been less than amicable.

Katrina stood tall, unflinching, "Only temporarily... father..."

The ancient being mulled it over before turning the burning gaze back to Ochako and Izuku. They did their best to not flinch under his fire, even as he asked, "And what is this... abomination... doing here?"

Ochako bowed, as instructed, "I am Ochako Uraraka, sir." She had angled her head to show the right eye, before repeating the gesture with the left, "I am Izuku Midoriya, sir..."

Mollified, the being leant back, or at least the eyes backed away from where they had been. "I see you taught it manners."

Katrina sighed, her tired nature starting to return. It appears that monster of a caffeine cocktail finally ran its course as she yawned and became drowsy. "Father... they are here... on grandmother's request."

His eyes, the only thing that could be seen, flicked back to his daughter. "LIES. She never gets involved until the end. We know this." It moved swiftly to rest in front of the dual soul's face, "This... thing... is lying to you."

Katrina interrupted, "They have... Grandfather's compass."

That made him narrow his eyes... before backing off slightly. "So... you are here at Death's bequest... so tell me..." He paused, letting the dark around him intensify. "What do you want?"

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