Vol. 1: Chapter 4.1 - The Teachers

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After reaching the end of the corridor, I opened the door to Class D in order to enter. This would be the second time I would be entering this classroom. Yesterday's plan had gone pretty smoothly. Today, well, there were two things I wanted to focus on.

The first thing I wanted to do today was to find out what exactly happens during the school hours. The original novel never mentioned how long each period took as well as how much break time we were given each day. High schools in Japan were normally constructed with six periods within the day; with each period being 45 minutes long in elementary schools, while it being 50 minutes during junior and senior high. Between each period, there are small breaks that lasts for around ten to fifteen minutes.

And you are telling me that Ayanokoji never did anything during those breaks?

They also failed to explain the teachers outside of the main quartet. Teachers played a pivotal role in this school as they were the ultimate judge of all things that happened within the school. They were the ones that gave out punishments when students get into a conflict. They are the ones that looks over the special exams. Overall, getting to know more teachers and forming connections with them would in the end benefit me in the future.

And the second thing I wanted to focus on was-

"Hello, Toshiro-kun!"

Damn it, Kushida. I was monologuing!

As soon as I stepped a foot into the classroom, Kushida greeted me with a bright smile on her face, giving me a slight bow.

"Yeah, hello to you as well, Kushida-san."

"How was your day yesterday?" Kushida asked curiously.

"It was pretty great. I went to Pallet with some of the friends I made, and just had fun."

"That's great! Um, there was also something I wanted to ask you..."

I glanced to the back of the class to see Ike and Yamauchi glare intensely at me. Hehe, maybe I might have some fun.

"What is it, Kushida-san?" I asked with the most cheerful smile that I could give, to taunt the two boys at the back.

"I wanted to ask something... but I'll tell you later, okay?" Kushida answered with an equally bright smile.

"Oh, don't tell me. Are you asking me out on a d-a-t-e?" I whispered quietly, emphasizing the last word to make sure that Ike and Yamauchi could definitely guess what my last word was just by looking at my lips.

Kushida flushed a little in embarrassment before putting her hand behind her head. "No, no, it's not that. I just wanted to ask you something."

I chuckled heartily. "I know, I know. I was just teasing you."

"You know you shouldn't do that to a girl," Kushida pouted.

"Yeah, yeah, I know."

With that, I began to make my way back to my seat. I looked towards the boys to see their reactions to what just happened in front of them. They were seething, gritting their teeth in anger.

Ahhhh, pure release of dopamine.

As I went towards my seat, I greeted everyone who I've got to know yesterday. I waved at Matsushita and Mori who then did the same, before resuming their talk with Karuizawa. Noticing that her friends had just greeted someone, she turned around to see who it was. After meeting my eyes, she immediately turned away, her face seeming to heat up at a rapid pace.

I wonder why.

Hirata, who was a few desks away from the group, was in a conversation with his seatmate, Mii-chan. So they already met? Just by observing how infatuated she looked towards Hirata, I presumed that they met at the supermarket Hirata said he went to yesterday. There Hirata probably saved Mii-chan from falling, and bam! A new love at first sight.

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