Chapter 4: The S.W.I.R.L System and The Abyss.

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{Chapter 4: The S.W.I.R.L and The Abyss}

In the morning Philomel woke up to bylur's warm embrace, snow having fallen but not burried them, for a magical dome shielded them, most definitely casted by bylur, Philomel looked around, slightly disoriented from just waking up and from the lesser levels of oxygen so high up on the peak of the mountain, of course, she was able to withstand lesser levels of oxygen  but it still disoriented her a little, Philomel  nuzzled into bylur's chest, blushing before blowing wind in his ear, whispering him to wake up

Bylur: "Ahh.. good morning honey"

Philomel: "Its morning already.. we should get going, we need to get to doing something"

Bylur: "You're right, we should get back  home before another snowstorm hits"

Philomel: "By the way.. i had a dream"

Bylur: "Tell me about it"

The 2 talked  while walking down the mountain, holding close  to each other,  they had fun, they laughed, they felt joy while together making the journey back home, Philomel occasionally pointing out clouds shaped into familiar looking objects or animals, eventually they reached the bottom of the mountain, walking down a path they had created through continously traversing the lands, their lifes long and their actions while minimal had long but small impacts on the world around them, though they didn't notice they were changing the world, step by step, word by word, action by action, very little at a time.

Philomel opened the door to the cabin that they lived in, however as she stepped through she was blinded by warm light and  the smell of books, many books and bookshelves, fancy furniture.. it looked like a library? a massive never ending library that stretched on infinitely, while on the surface it only held 3 spatial axis, each infinitestimal degree held another hidden  dimension which overlapped to create the final result, however  each of those  "Frames" was its  own infinite axis  of books and information, Philomel looked around disoriented and in shock, looking for her lover, however  he was nowhere to be found, she ran and and ran and ran, and eventually tripped, she fell forward, the world around her shifting in mayhem however.. as she picked herself up she saw infront of her Bylur chatting with a white haired man wearing a  blue suit, the man's golden eyes pierced their souls and his aura so  overwhelming both the dragon and Philomel questioned  the value of their existence in comparision, for the mage was so powerful he dwarfed all the magic of the world outside the library

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Bylur turned around and ran up to her, helping her up and checking if she's okay

Then the white haired man spoke out

Time: "What is it that you two are doing in my library, in my prison."

Philomel: "W-we just wanted to get to our cabin but when we stepped through the door we were already here"

Time: "i suppose that's just like the others, all mages while at it.. i suppose what i have written has become a public property now, at the humours of the SWIRL."

Bylur: "..The swirl? you don't mean.."

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