Chapter 6: Tales of the Untold 2

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Philomel looked around, blushing, she  sneakily slides out of Bylur's  embrace, giggling before putting up a gentle satisfied smile

Philomel Sighs,  bringing her hair  together and tieing it up in a single batch that kept itself hidden behind her back, Philomel finally  snapped her fingers changing her clothes into a medium length skirt and a white undershirt, following with brown cloak like cape one would use to hide in public.

Philomel gave Bylur a kiss on the forehead while he slept, sneaking away to  a nearby corner and picking a book off of a shelf, studying  Philosophical  books about the soul, clearly her research wasn't merely stopping at just these mere books though, for she has brought along with her a hefty collection of grimoires that hanged around her waist in their slots, hidden underneath the cloak, though do not be mistaken for those grimoires aren't magical, they're empty tomes of failed magic regarding the soul itself that have been conducted by her in the past 5 years that she was missing.

Philomel: "I'm so close.. i can already almost grasp the outline.. i can almost visualize it"

Time  who's been leaning on the bookshelves this entire time spoke

Time: "Oh? you can almost visualize what exactly, are you perhaps  trying to create something new? be aware  that i already used and tested all the concepts applicable to magic, most of them just don't compatibilize with it."

Philomel: "that's why you're destined to fail, you tested already present concepts, i will create a new concept that i'll apply to my own magic, after all who's to say that magic is limited to the rules of the world that currently exist?."

Time: "Its futile, you'd have to create a new concept altogether, which is really pretty much impossible, not only would you need to overwrite the laws of the world you would have to somehow have the permission of what you can think of as a admin, i suppose that word does not yet exist.. a Overlord over the library  seems to be the best way i can describe it, that's what you'd need to write in a new concept into the world to apply it to magic"

Philomel: "i will, believe in me librarian, i may not defy fate but i will defy your ignorance."

Time: "i wish you luck on your journey, but before you leave again, please stay with Bylur, he has been worried about you and i haven't seen him smile like he did today ever since you disappeared with Mother Swirl."

Philomel: "You know of her?"

Time: "of course i do, she's the reason i'm stuck here."

Philomel: "So i was right.. she is some sort of Goddess.."

Time: "Don't call her one, its oblivious how blind you are to the truth, there aren't any gods or goddesses, she is the concious embodiment of the S.W.I.R.L System, you know, The entire library hierarchy."

Philomel: "Right."

Time: "Go back to him now, i'll teach you two  a trick or two tomorrow morning, there's still roughly 5 years of training ahead of you two."

Philomel: "Hey time,  i read up on some of the books, are you sure i should be able to leave the library with all the knowledge..?"

Time: "Of course, i don't care if you start a country, a democracy, or perhaps create a Demon king's castle of sorts, i know you'll do good."

Philomel left, putting away all the grimoires and books onto a pile besides them, she snuggled back into his hug and eventually fell asleep, Suddenly behind the librarian manifests a tall man of pale-white skin, Mostly azure but also whiteish hair and Purple Red eyepupils, the man wore what looked like a  unbuttoned blue collar shirt, the man was as handsome as one can be, his looks  cunning but also captivating and his glare.. his glare  was so ominous it would put the 2 into a state of  being frozen in fear had they woken up

???: "They're quite adorable, aren't they, Time?"

Time: "You know you're not supposed to be here this early right? your life doesn't come forth for several houndreds of thousands of years yet."

???: "Don't be a kill joy! i'm having so much fun, plus, you and i both know that's false, i'm not this universe's  version of me,  we both know the multiverse long predates even this world, and especially its complicated and convoluted  construction, you know, i almost stepped on the flower responsible for dimensions! what a disaster would that have been."

The man gave a very  mischievious grin after saying that, he sighed, something slithering out of his sleeves as the man  looked around

Time: "What do you want? God Butcherer."

???: "Clearly i'm just curious, you know i won't be this emotional for long i'm just destined to grow numb and cold aren't i? but why do i ask, you know this very well yourself, well after all you took a part in  creating my archetype, but remember, i'm a anomaly, one day i will break out of the schematic, and you won't like it when i do"

Time: "i'm already aware, but that is long from now, and it won't be you it will be him that will do so, the  mage that is yet to be born in this world, so quit it."

???: "Man you're no fun, i got the pandora boxes you asked for, every major  cataclysm and.. i suppose calamity that has been roaming the worlds  contained in them, including my future insanity, keep that one in particular shut somewhere in a safe, i don't wanna deal with it anymore it brought me quite the trouble if i do have to say so myself."

Time: "Go, Go now before they wake up, i appreciate your help old friend."

The man disappeared in thin air, not leaving even traces of mana behind, that night a unexplainable bond formed between the soul of Philomel and Bylur, it was not a bond of love however, but a bond of trust,their souls linking together through a unbreakable chain representing their bond.

The following morning the 2 rested, instead of  training like they did day by day for the past years they have instead  decided to spend time together.

Philomel often asking Bylur to help her take  books off of tall bookshelves, as she was too short to pick them herself, the ones she personally prefered were Novels about reincarnations  of people in the medieval times, or as some types of nobles, through these very novels is how she learned the infrastructure of kingdoms as well as political fundaments of one, those were going to be  the information she will base her civilization upon, of course excluding the corrupt things within these novels.

While Philomel read many novels Bylur on the other hand decided to workout and cultivate his mana heart, a mana heart is a technique that  revolves around creating rings of mana around the heart or soul in order to store mana for the future, mana that can be used in a quick burst of mana  or as a reserve of mana akin to a battery, however  a amount of rings around the heart doesn't only serve as only  mana, because it also increases physical capabilities tenfold for each ring, this is how mages are capable of  becoming exponentially stronger than normal humans, however  to access the physical  prowess of the mana rings one must make a vow that sacrificies the ability of using  those rings of mana as a resource, essentially  making them permament.

{Several Hours Later}

Philomel having finished  reading her novels decided to take a walk to find Bylur, after walking endlessly for a while, she finally found him, Bylur having been cultivating this entire time was tired and at the time she had  found him he was already resting.

Philomel: "How's it going?"

Bylur: "its hell, whenever i create another circle i feel  a pressure increase on my heart, i still have not yet refined the technique and if i as a dragon cannot  withstand it i doubt anyone else could and that'd be quite the shame.. How has your novel reading been going by the way?"

Philomel: "i found a lot of really interesting things about  this so called "civilization" but i'm quite sad, my favourite character has died, its partly the reason i have stopped  reading, i assume you stopped training because  of the pressure on your heart?"

Bylur: "Mhm.. reading me like a book, say do you think you could find a solution for it with your.. Magical prowess? you're far better at this than i am"

Philomel: "i suppose i could give it a try, but don't you think its better if you're the only one capable of using it? it   could cause trouble if  an enemy was to learn it"

Bylur: "well, this technique  is stronger with time, so with time, nobody would be able to catch up to me in terms of mana rings."

Philomel: "i guess then i could give it a try, but not now alright?, i wanna spend time with you okay?"

She said, before  sitting down against the wall next to bylur, hugging him, snuggling into his side, Leaning her head on his shoulder.

Bylur: "Of course dear, spending time with you is more important than some technique, after all you're my greatest treasure"

Philomel: "i suppose you should hoard me from others if  that's true"

She said, jokingly, gigling afterwards, following the giggle by whispering into his ear

Philomel: "Will you become my king in return for me being your greatest treasure?"

Bylur responded, blushing

Bylur: "O-of course dear, i will be the greatest king."

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