[lore] Guess That's It.

73 0 16

(TW: self-yeet)

You turned off the phone, in pure silence. Your last cry for help was completely ignored by everyone, and even the kindest of them all, the one who would literally never hurt a fly, snapped at you.

As you laid down, onto your bed, you began to think to yourself about what had just happened.

Maybe he was right the whole time.

Maybe you should've just stayed away from them all, instead of trying one last time to reach out for your own sake.

Maybe you were the problem.

You slowly moved your phone further away from you, as all of your thoughts spiralled. They were mainly about your friends... Free Food.

They hate you. They hate your control. They want to be free from your control. They want to be free. Free them. It's what they want. Give it to them. Stop being selfish. Think about them for once, Fries.

You stayed there in complete silence, before muttering some words to yourself.

"Eraser... Yellow Face... Foldy... Stapy... Bell... Puffball... Marker..."

Their names.

You were still thinking about his words. You kept rule of their group chat like an iron fist, but... you didn't even make it, he did.

He had the right to call you out on your bullshit.

Whatever, no point in trying to remedy this.

They all hate you enough, trying to speak to them would just make them hate you even more.

But they're all you could talk to.

"Guess there's no other way out... is there?" you mumbled to yourself, as you slowly got up, tears in your eyes.

Walking over to the cabinet next to you, you trembled as you pulled the first drawer, making a creaking noise in the process.

You took something from out of there, and looked at it, before crying some more.

You tried to tell someone about how you felt, but you knew you were just making everyone walk on eggshells around you. One wrong move, and you went off at them.

No wonder they all hate you.

Pointing it at yourself, you take one last look at your phone, wondering if it's worth it to tell them that "thank you for everything" text.

But they wouldn't care, would they?

If you'll be honest, you're surprised none of them blocked you. Maybe that's how meaningless you are to them, that you aren't even worth blocking.

Either way... no-one will come and save you.

But maybe just leaving one final message would be a good idea. Turning your phone back on for the last time, you began to record yourself, still pointing it at yourself.

"If you're watching this video, I'm already dead."

"Just... know this. Deep down, I think I might've always felt this way, don't remember when it first happened. However, I guess I always found comfort within order, and my friends. But... they always had chaos..."

"Maybe that's what they wanted all along; chaos. And I kept forcing them to act a certain way, or else I'd blow up on them... heh..."

Standing there in silence, you began to cry a little bit. Stop that, Fries. You were always taught not to cry, so stop crying.


"If this is what they want, then I'll give it to them."




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