𝕯𝖗𝖊𝖎𝖚𝖓𝖉𝖟𝖜𝖆𝖓𝖟𝖎𝖌: Revelation

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Being half-conscious is a weird thing. One's one mind is able to hear almost everything in this dizzy trance-like state, more or less has the ability to process the spoken words content's meaning and yet, the own body simply can't follow suit.

He had overheard bits and pieces of the conversation, enough to grasp the context, but not enough to truly understand it all.

It felt like everything had went down in mere minutes: the cries of pain, the sound of fighting and arguing. Everything had mixed into a dull mixture of clashing noise in the background, until it subsided into silence as quickly as it started.

Among footsteps, a gentle humming sound approached. Wood creaked, someone knelt down right next to him. Something soft pressed against his mouth, air was blown into his system once again, stabilizing his breathing. He felt the pressure on his chest, hands pushing into the hollow spot between ribcage and abdomen.

A moment later, hours in real time probably, Dorn felt his head get picked up gently, placed on top of something warm and soft and then, his hair got stroked, his face caressed by cold fingers.

"I knew you would come and find me," a soft voice muttered, pulling his consciousness back to reality. As he recognized its alluring tune, his back and shoulder muscles tensed. Dizzy, Henning opened his eyes and found himself facing two big, azure orbs staring down at him in affection.

The perspective felt weird. Her face was so close. Too close even. Had the world turned upside down? Was he still at the pier? What had happened to ... N. No, what had happened to that thing?

Glancing around, he noticed it was still the same place – the pier - only his position had changed. Embarrassed, he came to realize it was her lap his head was laying on.

At once, he propped himself up, feeling the soaring pain of his snapped ribs and the aching bruises on his limbs. Great, another visit to the hospital would be necessary. After checking his bones for more fractures, his hands tremblingly trailed to his throat, which had been, like his lungs, just previously filled to the brim with fresh water.

Wasn't he supposed to have drowned, like his sister? After he had placed Gessler on the pier, he had been pulled into ...

Speaking of the devil - where was Gessler? Was he safe? Had he survived?

Next to him, the blonde softly chuckled. She nervously rubbed her arm.

"I'm sure you have a lot of questions."

Henning cocked his head to the side.

"Of course I do, I don't know how long I've been out co-"

He lapsed into silence. Fräulein wore a burgundy vest. That guy's vest. Henning furrowed his brows. Just why?

"He's fine. You saved his life, this garment is proof of it," she explained, picking at the red fabric with index finger and thumb, "He gave it to me for the time being, so I'm not that ... exposed."

A sigh of relief escaped his throat. He really had managed to save Gessler there, that was good to know.

"I wanted to stay behind to wait until you wake up," she added with a flushed face, "I was also the one to administer first aid as soon as I got the chance."

"... Thanks." Did that mean that she ...? He shook his head. Now was not the time to think about that.

Henning respectfully looked the blonde woman up and down. The piece of clothing reached up to her upper thigh, covering – thank God – the private parts fully. The only skin that was exposed was the one of her ... legs. Human legs. Right. He didn't dare to speak his thoughts out loud.

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