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And with this, dear reader, the story of Henning and Fräulein alias Loreley finally comes to an end.

What initially had been planned to be a short story of just 10 chapters or so, turned into a much bigger project double its intended size! As much as I had my ups and downs writing this – from struggling with self-doubt to waves of ecstasy – I have to admit, it was overall a fun experience I've put blood and sweat into, so I'm happy I am able to call this my second novel I completed. Hopefully, it didn't suck as much as my first one.

For those of you reading this, who stuck around in this journey to the very end and made it to this page, from the bottom of my heart, thank you for reading and not giving up on my story or me! In my native language: Vielen, vielen Dank! It means a lot to me.

A special thanks goes out @PennyPapers who stuck around as my first reader to the very end. Thank you for your lovely comments and the continuous support! <3 If you haven already, show some support and go support the stories 'Lunette' and 'Where Frost Meets Fire', both of which I can strongly recommend as I've read them / am reading them myself.

As a wannabe ESL author, I hope I can further improve my craft to produce enjoyable content for my audience to enjoy. I hope you keep coming back in the future!

Sincerely, Krisha_Grim

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