10. ten

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Joanna kept her eyes fixed on Mount Vesuvius outside as Giuliano exited the underground parking, determined to not let her negative emotions take away from the incredible beauty of the view around them. It wasn't that close to them, but it felt like it. The volcano was the lushest green, contrasting boldly against the clear blue skies above and the waters ahead. The two deepest voices she had ever heard filled the car, making it hard for her to tune out of the conversation even if she didn't understand most of it.

It couldn't do to get jealous over a phone call. It wouldn't do at all, but even as Joanna admonished herself, she couldn't ignore the gaping absences in her life. Joanna only had her brother and did her best to forget she was an orphan and an unwanted child, but spending any prolonged time with Giuliano was a quick way to be reminded of it. She hated that she felt this way. She loved Giuliano and she should be happy that he had two caring parents. Hell, his parents were the closest thing to parental figures in Joanna's life as well.

Joanna had explored this topic with her therapist a couple of months prior, it was now impossible for her to ignore the ugly feelings that she had carefully concealed all her life. When Giuliano hung up, the call really had not been long enough for her to feel this way about it, he brought his knuckles to his mouth, a habit he did when zoning out. Joanna used the quiet to collect herself, she experienced everything in extremes where Giuliano was concerned.

Though she wasn't embarrassed, Jules never left any room for that, Joanna couldn't believe she had been rubbing herself against him so much, he nearly came. She was never the one to lose her composure in a kiss, but Giuliano knew how to use those huge hands and mouth of his, didn't he? His grip on her butt and hips, my God, Joanna thought with a blush.

'You didn't tell me, do you want to eat first or do you want to go home,' Giuliano said, breaking the comfortable silence they had settled into.

'The hotel should have started serving lunch by the time we get there, no?'

'You're not staying at a hotel.' Joanna should have expected that from him, but she liked to think herself an optimist. 'The house is big enough that nobody needs to know you're there if you don't want them to. I'll sneak you in,' Giuliano continued before Joanna could argue. Which, Joanna had to admit, it didn't take much for Giuliano to make her back down when he was being autocratic about her comfort or wellbeing.

Joanna cringed at the thought of being snuck into a house at her age, her tumultuous relationship with Jules was the biggest open secret in their respective circles anyway. His family probably knew that they had been in St. Julian together. If she stayed at his house, she would not be a coward and hide.

'That would be quite unmannered of me.' Plus she really did love Giuliano's parents. They had been part of her life her entire life, Tia Rosalie had been close to Joanna's mother when she had been alive. 'Do they know I'm coming?'

'Yes, don't worry,' Giuliano said and Joanna realised his bit about sneaking her in had been to get her to agree wholeheartedly. 'What do you want to do? I'm asking because I need to go up to Rome—

'Are you going now? Can I come,' Joanna interrupted, she had only been there once when she was very young.

'Of course. And we can. Do you want to know why I need to go to Rome?' His lips didn't quite stretch into a smile, but still his amusement was written all over his face.

'Oh.' Joanna felt her cheeks warm. 'Why do you need to be in Rome?'

'It's actually perfect you're a lawyer because I need to sift through a bunch of documents.'

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 14 ⏰

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