Chapter five

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There I was, laying down looking up at the sky not knowing how to initiate another conversation with her to ease the awkwardness. Or maybe I was the only one feeling awkward as she seemed pretty chilled out to me by the way she was swinging her feet back and forth humming a song.

Closing my eyes, I rewound back the timeline of the “event” in my head. ‘Okay she hates chocolate I get that... But what I don’t get is why she resorted to her pushing her thumb in my mouth to get rid of the chocolate on it as a first solution? Couldn't she have wiped it on the towel, a tissue, fuck something else besides my mouth?’ ‘The only rational answer I can come up with is that she was either innocently clueless about the sexual implication her actions portrayed, or she knew exactly was she was doing trying to stir a reaction out of me.’ ‘Now I knew for a fact that she wasn’t innocent...’

As I was about to delve into the reasons why I knew she wasn’t innocent my train of thought got abruptly interrupted by a familiar voice.

“Sydney !!!” It was Jake O’driscoll with his scrawny looking friend whatever his name was.

“Jake.” I lifted my head up acknowledging him.

“What are you doing here?” ‘Well, what the fuck do you think I’m doing; you’re literally staring at me sunbathing.’ I thought to myself

“Crocheting.” I replied sarcastically which was my fault, the man only had a few braincells you see.

“Really?” Yep, definitely shouldn’t have used sarcasm.

“No Jake, we’re sunbathing. And by the way you’re standing right in the sun.” I pointed out letting him know that his presence was already annoying.

“Oh yes, sorry about that. It's just that me and Matt were heading that way to chill and crack some cold ones while smoking some” He pointed out exactly where he and Matt were heading.

“Weed?” I quickly asked completely ignoring everything else he said.

“Yeah, weed!” he replied with a huge grin on his face.

“Well, why don’t you join us, we need some company and I’m sure you guys would enjoys some too.” Of course I couldn’t care less about these two clowns, but Jake had some good weed that I’m sure he could do with sharing.

“Fuck yeah! We’ll join!” ‘Great.’ I thought, ‘I needed to get high otherwise I'd go insane thinking about me and Cassie’s “incident” earlier.

We all sat down, Jake and I facing Matt and Cassie opposite of us. ‘Jesus Chris more awkward silence.’ I though as everyone was just sitting looking around perhaps trying their best to initiate a conversation. Cassie though, didn't seem to mind as she was too preoccupied peeling her pearlescent nail varnish off her toenails. And the guys, well they got busy watching her just as I was.

I finally broke the silence that was consuming me from the inside.

“How about we start up a campfire huh? Boys you go fetch some twigs and we will be, I don’t know, making space for the fire” I said trying to get them out of our sight for a second.

Agreeing to the idea, they both took off.

“Cas?” I stepped closer to where she was, towering over her. She lifted her head looking at me, letting me know that she was listening. “Sorry I invited them, just though we could do with smoking some weed” I blurted out stupidly ‘we could do with smoking some weed? – I’m fucking dumb as for all I know she thinks we’re jolly good...’ “What I meant is, I think it would be fun getting lit and watching the sun set” I quickly corrected myself trying my hardest to compose myself.

“Yeah, it would be...” giving me a short and dry reply she went back to doing her own thing.

“Okay.” Turning around from her I exhaled a breath that I didn't know I was holding in.

‘Fuck...’  I muttered to myself while getting the campfire place ready for when those two simpletons come back with whatever they’ve managed to gather. As I was crouching over the so-called campsite I was digging in the sand, I couldn't help but notice that the brilliance of the ever so slowly setting sun was endearing and tranquil, a perfect and poignant juxtaposition of how I was feeling.

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