Chapter 3

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Lola Pov:
After a long nap and a Dumblewhore hate sesion i have to go to the grill, because i supposed to meet Care and Bon Bon there. I ride to the grill and get me a double vodka. I go to the table, where Care and Bon Bon sit. We chat a while about how their day went, so for example that they have a new student, Stefan Salvatore. Caroline get a few facts about him between the fourth and fifth hour, like hes a gemini. Suddenly Care winks and ì look to the place, dhe winked. There is a blonde guy, i suppose he is about 18. He sit on the chair next to me, and ask, if we go to the party. The party loving girl, Care is she says yes for all of us, so jay, party here i come. I wanted ask Stefan, if he is going, but the moment we saw in eachothers eyes, we feel a tingle on our wrist, and we immidatly knew, we are soulmates. The others knew that too, i think they saw it in our eyes or our stares. „We go then, and let you have your time" say Care and Bon Bon.

Stefan Pov:
I came to Mystic Falls because of the doppelganger, even in my dreams i never thought, that i meet my soulmate. She is very beautyful, she has long black hair and brown eyes. Her eyes seem deep and chrystal clear. I think she is a good friend of Caroline and Bonnie. I have to ask her after her name. But when i am by my soulmate, i hope Damon never knew about the doppelganger, because i want to have my soulmate for myself. We chat a while, i get a few informations about my soulmate, like her name is Lola Swan, she hates her sister and mother, but loves her dad, she likes the nature and books, she has two godchildren, Harry Potter and Luna Lovegood, and she will mostlikely open a bakery or a restaurant. She get a few informations about me too: i have an „uncle" Zach Salvatore, i have a brother, but i dont have contact with him, i live in the Salvatore Boarding House, which happens to be next to her House, i am a gemini, what she already knew, because of Caroline.

Lola Pov:
I meet my first soulmate, i am so happy, i love my luck, through i am happy to not have the potter luck, from my godson, if i had that, i would be most likely dead, because i am a little bit clumsy..., okay not so clumsy like Harry but still clumsy. But back to the theme, we made a date, for our first date, it is in three days by the bridge. Elenas parents died there, so i hope i dont die there too, but who am i kidding, if somebody dies there, i would be the killer, because you know, my witchy juju. Ah i remember, i have to call kitykat, we have to meet soon, and i have to find a certain Mikaelson, to kick him in the next century, for hurting my kat. I swear, he should be prepared, because nobody with a friend or family member or a Swan, especially with a swan witch. Klaus Mikaelson wrap yourself warmely. And when we are by asskicking, i have to kick Dumbledore in the next genaration, because he gave Harry this hollidays to the Dursleys again.... They are muggles of the worst kind. I am sure, they going to use him as a servant, cook and etc. ... when he has a single scar on him, when i see him next, then its going to rain hell on the Dursleys and Dumbledore. And Luna, since of Pandora, Lunas Mother, dead, Xynopolys is a mental unstable man, he hurt and abuse Luna. Albus to many names Dumbledore says everytime when he is asked, that the safety of his students is his first priority, but say that to the abused children, the troll in the dungeons or voldemord on the back of Quirrel head. He says Hogwarts is with Gringotts the safest place to be... His ass has to be pretty jealous of the shit that comes of his mouth. And i think he is a pedophile, he asks me once in a date, but turned him down: i like my coffee like me, dark, bitter and to hot for him. You should have seen his face, McGonni laught her ass of, i quote: lmfao, i never seen something funnier." But the was furious to, that he was asking me out, because i was only seventeen at the time.

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