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The ladies, understanding the urgency, gathered the children and excused themselves from the table, ready to attend to the matters at hand.

Left alone, the men exchanged knowing looks, silently acknowledging the unexpected turn of events. Despite the chaos and the occasional mischief, there was a bond that united them, a bond strengthened by love and laughter.

As the men made their way to the basement, a heavy silence hung in the air, a stark contrast to the jovial atmosphere of the dining room. Their expressions hardened, and their steps quickened with purpose as they approached their grim task.

Enrico led the way, his features set in a mask of determination. Behind him, Lucifer, Damien, Marcello, Augustus, Adriano and Alessandro followed, their faces reflecting a mix of anger and resolve.

As they descended the stairs into the dimly lit basement, the atmosphere grew tense, anticipation mingling with the weight of the impending confrontation.

In the shadows, their prisoners awaited, bound and restrained, a stark reminder of the danger that had threatened their beloved princess.

Without a word, Enrico stepped forward, his gaze cold and unwavering as he surveyed the captured assailants. With a nod to his companions, the interrogation began.

Each man took his turn, questioning the prisoners with a mixture of intimidation and force, determined to extract the information they needed to ensure the safety of their family.

The air filled with the sounds of muffled cries and desperate pleas as the prisoners faced the consequences of their actions.

The halls were filled with the painful screams of prisoners who had dared to even think of harming their princess. The men's blood boiled thinking of any harm coming towards their princess resulted them in being more vicious and heartless towards their prisoners.

Chills ran down the guards present there, they were feeling nauseous after seeing the cruelty of these mafia men and wished to never be on their bad side.

Meanwhile, in the safety of their rooms, the ladies tended to the children, comforting them with soothing words and gentle embraces. Despite the urgency of the situation, they remained calm and composed, their maternal instincts guiding them as they ensured the little ones felt safe and secure.

Isabella, with Lavinia cradled in her arms, whispered soothing words to her daughter, her touch gentle yet firm as she reassured her of their love and protection. The other women followed suit, offering comfort and solace to the children under their care.

In the dim light of the room, surrounded by the soft murmur of voices and the gentle rustle of fabric, a sense of peace descended upon them, a reminder of the strength and resilience of their family bonds.

Back in the basement, the men continued their relentless pursuit of justice, their determination unyielding as they pressed their prisoners for answers. With each passing moment, their resolve only grew stronger, fueled by the knowledge that their loved ones depended on them.

As the night wore on, the echoes of their efforts reverberated through the halls, a testament to the unwavering determination of the Marino family to protect their own, no matter the cost.

*next day*

As the Marino and Fabio's sat down to breakfast , the atmosphere was still somewhat tense from the events of previous night. Lavinia , her little mind sensing the tense atmosphere had other plans to lighten up the mood.

In her cozy high chair, Lavinia squirmed and cooed, her innocent eyes wandering around the table, taking in the faces of her family members. Suddenly, with a gurgle of delight,

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