Chapter Two: A Good Plan?

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Anna Simms drove Angelo back to his aunt's house. He had just met the lady that was looking to adopt him. She seemed to be a very nice lady. After the hour-long meeting at her house, he had decided she seemed like someone he could see himself calling mom.

In fact, the meeting seemed perfect. Well, almost perfect. Even though Mrs. Dayton appeared to be perfect for Angelo, he wasn't sure if he was perfect for her.

Before the meeting, he found out that she had previously chosen someone else to adopt. Her first choice had been a girl. He also learned that she had already spent lots of money on preparing a bedroom for that girl and bought lots of things for her. The only reason that she was now interested in adopting him was because she found out that the girl she really had her heart set on was no longer available.

This troubled Angelo and so he asked Anna about it. "Mrs. Anna? I have a question for you. If Mrs. Dayton really wants to adopt a girl, won't she just be settling for me? Won't she always wish she had waited for another girl if that's what she really wants?"

At the moment they were stopped at a red light and Anna turned towards Angelo, surprised at his concerns. "Oh dear child, no. Sweetheart, that's not the case at all. I have talked to her at length about you and I can tell you that after just one meeting with you, she already has lots of love to give to you. Yes, she may have had her heart set on a girl, but now that she's met you, she has lots of love to give you. She really wants a young teenager to love and that will love her, whether that be a girl or a boy. I promise you, she really does want you. I understand your concerns, but you truly have nothing to worry about."


Once Angelo was back at his aunt's house, he retreated to the tiny bedroom in which he shared a bunk bed with Tony, his almost 13-year-old cousin.

Angelo had grown to despise Tony, who, despite being younger, was already taller than Angelo's four-foot eleven-inches, and demonstrably stronger with a developing muscular frame.

This younger cousin seemed to take great pride in demonstrating his superior strength. He loved to dominate Angelo by grabbing his skinny, weak arm, and doubling it back as far as possible or putting him into a headlock until he begged for mercy.

Much as he tried to resist doing so, every time, Angelo eventually would cry, "Stop it," with tears streaming down his face.

Tony's reaction, once the tears began, was also the same every time. "Say pretty please, little girl. Dry your eyes, you sissy little cry baby. Man up, little baby Angela. You're such a girl. Are you sure you're not really a girl? Answer me, lil' Angel-a."

Tony always loved to taunt Angelo. It was obvious Tony had seen the girliness in his cousin's mannerisms, the delicate way he flicked his hair, the way he held his arms with wrists limp when he ran or how he always tucked his feet under his butt while studying or drawing pictures.

Angelo always tried to hide his gentle nature while with this family, which thrived on meanness and macho activity, but it was still pretty evident. Even Maria, Tony's sister, had pinned Angelo down in a wrestling match in the living room one day, causing Angelo to feel shame at his weakness, at being unable to defend himself physically, even against girls.

Through it all, what gave him great comfort was those moments he could picture himself as a girl. He spent a great deal of time, mentally retreating into a girl's world of beauty, gentleness, and love, a world where he felt safe, respected, and accepted.

Lying in his upper bunk with Tony playing a video game below, Angelo thought more about the adoption. He wished tomorrow could be Friday and he could leave this nasty house and move in with his new mom where she was ready to treat him with gentleness and love. He couldn't wait to get away from here for good. Friday couldn't come fast enough.

As he continued to lie there, lost in his thoughts, he found himself looking ahead; imagining what life might be like with his new mom. At one point a thought entered his brain and he began to wonder if it were a possibility he might be able to be as girlish as he wanted with her. Perhaps, he even wondered, she would maybe; hopefully, even let him be a girl. It was a wild idea, but he told himself that it was not outside the realm of possibility.

Angelo began a list in his head, all of the reasons why he felt it possible. First, there was the fact that she really wanted a girl. Second, she had all those girls clothes and things she had spent a lot of money on, that would otherwise go to waste. Third, he had only met her today, but he already felt like she was a caring, understanding person that he could talk about anything with. And four, he was already convinced that there was no way he would be able to live out his entire life as a man.

He dozed off finally, with a smile on his face, nurturing those thoughts, believing it entirely possible that, since he was already so feminine in nature, he could be the perfect daughter for her.

The next morning, after having several dreams about it through the night, Angelo awoke with an even greater hope and anticipation. He so desperately wanted to be the girl that his new mom had been anticipating, preparing for. He again wondered if there really was a chance he really could get to be that girl.

In the privacy of the bathroom, Angelo posed in front of the mirror, his body naked; private parts tucked back out of sight. "Oh yes," he mused aloud. "I absolutely can be a girl." With tears beginning to form in the corners of his eyes, he posed coquettishly, flicking his hair with a limp hand and now admiring his slender, pretty body. It was smooth, hairless and unmarked with muscular bulges; narrow shoulders and thin arms added to the illusion.

Yes, he felt he could totally be a sweet girl. Now, if only she would allow him to. Oh, how he hoped she would. For a moment, he felt all was about to be perfect in his life, but then a dark thought entered his mind, bringing him crashing down.

What if she was disgusted by the idea of him wanting to be her daughter? What if she thought the idea of a boy wanting to be a girl was sick and perverted? He didn't know her well enough, yet, to be able to know how she would react if he suggested this idea. It could go just as he wanted it to, but it could also cause her to no longer want him.

Angelo sat on the edge of his bed, contemplating this conundrum as tears formed in the corners of his eyes


My Foster Mom Wants A Daughter -  Book 1 Of A SeriesTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon