Chapter Six: Lessons

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By the time Angelo made it to the kitchen for dinner, he had decided against wearing the skirt Mary Elizabeth had suggested. Instead, he had slipped on a pair of mid-thigh length denim shorts, topped off with a fitted, black tee shirt containing the words "Girls Rule", in hot pink glitter. On his feet were pink Keds and no socks.

As Angelo entered the kitchen, Mary Elizabeth saw the shirt he was wearing and smiled. She knew that particular shirt hadn't been bought for Julia. She had actually purchased this one two days ago, specifically for Angelo, and she was thrilled that he had chosen it.

"My, aren't you just the cutie," Mary Elizabeth proclaimed with a wink.

"Would you rather I had worn the skirt?" Angelo inquired.

"No, honey. You look fine. Just the spitting image of a young teenage girl. And it's a nice choice you made for yourself. You have a good eye."

Looking Angelo over, Mary Elizabeth knew he truly was femininely cute with his short stature and slender legs and arms, so smooth and pretty.

She did, however, notice that his hair could use some work and it wouldn't hurt for his nails to have a little color applied to them. She also decided that he would appear even more feminine if each of his earlobes contained a dainty little sparkling stud.

Angelo began to explain to Mary Elizabeth, his reasoning for the outfit change, "I chose this one over something more dressy because I wanted to help you prepare dinner, mommy."

"Aww, honey. That's so sweet and thoughtful of you. Thank you . . . For now, put this apron on and you can set the table, and then I'll show you how to slice the mushrooms for me."

Mary Elizabeth was impressed with how gracefully and daintily Angelo moved about the kitchen. He also showed a true artistic bent in setting up the table and using the fresh flower bouquet from the living room as a centerpiece.

For their first supper, Mary Elizabeth had bought a non-alcoholic champagne to share and told Angelo where the wine goblets were.

"You really seem to know what you're doing in the kitchen, Angela," Mary Elizabeth commented, testing the waters with a new name, a girl name.

"Yes ma'am, I kinda do. When my birth mom was alive, I did most of the cooking and cleaning, all the laundry, and I had to clean the house. She was always too sick to do it herself."

"Well, you were certainly a good son. I'm so sorry about your mom."

Angelo wanted to cry. He did miss his mom something terrible, but she had been dead for over a year and a half now. She had been a very talented, lovely person, but suffered terribly from mental illness. It had been Angelo who after the age of eight had maintained the household.

"But, you're my mommy now," Angelo said. "I hope you'll like me, too."

"Oh darling, I do. More than anything else, I do."

After supper was done and the two had shared the chore of cleaning up and loading the dishwasher, Mary Elizabeth sent Angelo into the living room with two chairs from the kitchen table while she went to the bedroom and changed into a conservative, knee-length skirt. It was time to begin training Angelo in the subtleties involved in presenting naturally as a girl.

Mary Elizabeth returned to the living room and positioned one chair facing the other. She then had Angelo sit in one of the chairs. Once he was seated she proceeded to sit in the other, making sure to smooth the back of her skirt as she did.

"First of all, from now on, you're my foster daughter. I will refer to you only as my daughter, and will only use 'her' and 'she' when talking to other people. Also, I will only address you as Angela, if this is okay with you. Is this what you desire?"

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