Chapter 2

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"Maybe you and William can adopt me," Jackie suggested as she and Catherine stepped up into a Royal Family-owned Range Rover. There were multiple cars at Kate's disposal, and Jackie couldn't help but to be jealous. Her Jetta was reliable, but didn't nearly come close to the luxury of having an endless supply of high end cars. 

"I know another way you could join the family," Kate said with a wiggle of her eyebrows. 

Jackie scoffed and settled back onto the leather passengers seat, flipping her sunglasses over her eyes. Kate was taking Jackie with her to her first dress appointment with Sarah Burton, an executive designer for Alexander McQueen. The office was in the heart of London, and discretion was essential. The car was to be let out of a back gate of Kensington Palace, and a everyone involved in the meeting that day would be sworn to secrecy. The drive was fairly short, and, luckily, the car was not followed. Kate and Jackie drove slowly through a small alley next to the store and parked in the rear employee lot, where Kate's newly instated personal protection officer, or PPO, Emma, was waiting to keep a lookout for paparazzi. 

The women hurried through a back entrance to the office. Jackie was impressed by the clean white space. Racks upon racks of wedding dresses had been brought in, surrounding a small platform in the center of the room. "The royal treatment," Jackie noted, smiling at Kate. 

Her friend grinned and strode the shake the designer's hand. "Jackie, this is my designer, Sarah Burton." 

Jackie stuck out her hand upon Kate's introduction and smiled. "Nice to meet you." 

"Sarah, this is my maid of honor, Jacqueline Baker."

 Jackie's stomach did a flip as she looked at Kate with wide eyes. "Your what?" Kate and Sarah laughed gleefully. 

"It was a surprise?" Sarah questioned, taking in Jackie's shocked face. 

"But, Pippa-" Jackie breathed.

 "Pippa is worried about her privacy," Kate explained. "I don't blame her, but I need someone a bit more brave." 

Jackie smiled and hugged Kate tightly. "Thank you." 

"No, thank you," Kate gushed. "It'll be quite the task, but I think we'll have loads of fun." 

Jackie straightened up and turned to the dresses. "We have lots of work to do." 

Sarah Burton showed Kate and Jackie endless dresses, and after Kate tried them on, they picked apart each one, saying what they liked and what they didn't like. Kate was measured, and Sarah almost instantaneously had a sketch drawn. She held out the paper to Kate and Jackie who both gasped."It's perfect," the crooned in unison.

 Sarah beamed. "I'll have my people working on it immediately. I'll need you back in, lets say, three weeks for a fitting."

 Kate nodded vehemently. "We'll be back. Oh!" Kate slapped her forehead. "Can you pull the dresses that I chose for Jackie?" 

Jackie's face broke into a wide smile. "I really can't believe this." 

"You'll be the talk of the UK in the dresses I have picked," Kate added with a smug smile. 

Sarah returned from a back room with a few dresses in her arms. All were a creamy white, but their styles varied slightly. Jackie took the one that caught her eye and slipped back into the small dressing room to put it on. It fit like a glove, and she easily slid up a zipper in the back before heading out to show it off. Jackie did a turn on the platform, receiving applause from Kate and Sarah.

 "I'm worried you'll upstage me," Kate giggled.

"Oh, you won't have to worry about that," laughed Jackie. "But this is marvelous." She admired the cowl-necked dress, lined with lace, that hugged her body tightly. "I suppose I'll have to do some squats." Kate and Sarah laughed as Jackie nodded. "Kate, what do you think?" 

"We all love it, so I say this is the dress." 

Jackie admired her reflection as Kate and Sarah talked more wedding details. Her stomach turned with a mix of excitement and nerves. Being the maid of honor in the Royal wedding, the wedding of the century, would be the most nerve-wracking position she had ever taken. Jackie could only hope she wouldn't make a fool of herself in front of the whole world. 


"Oh, William, you're going to love it," Kate gushed later that night. 

Jackie smacked her friend's hand. "Don't tell him anything. It has to be a surprise." 

"And what will you be wearing, Jackie?" Harry's voice questioned from the kitchen of Will and Kate's Kensington Palace apartment. 

Jackie's eyes caught Kate's, who smiled devilishly. "Harry, you will be blown away," Kate started. Jackie opened her mouth to protest, but Kate continued. "Her bum looks magnificent."

 "Kate," Jackie hissed, but Harry, Will, and Kate were roaring with laughter.

 "Now I can't wait to see it," Harry laughed, settling down on the couch with a bowl of popcorn. Jackie couldn't help but to smile. 

"The dresses are a surprise," Kate said aloud, seemingly reminding herself. "We won't speak a word about them." 

"You told me all I need to know," Harry said with a coy smile. 

Will grinned at his brother. "Will you be bringing a special friend to the wedding?" 

The mention of Harry bringing a date caught Jackie's ear. She'd seen tabloid covers sprawled across the till at Waitrose, spreading rumors about Harry's relationships with Chelsy Davy and Cressida Bonas. There was no way to know what was true. She pretended to be distracted by her finger nails as Harry answered. "No." It took all of Jackie's willpower not to grin as he said, "There's no one." 

"Will you be bringing anyone, Jackie?" Will's voice asked. 

Jackie noticed Harry was looking right at her as she answered, "No, I don't think so." 

Will and Kate both grinned from the love seat they sat on. Jackie could feel Harry watching her, but she didn't have the courage to match his gaze, so instead she said, "It's going to be so much fun." 

"Right you are," agreed William. 

"Not to mention we have the best maid of honor and best man around," Kate added. 

"I'll do my best," Jackie promised. She looked at the large, ornate clock on the mantle and saw it read 11:56. "Oh- it's so late! I have to work in the morning." Jackie stood from the couch and hugged Kate tightly. "I'll see you after work tomorrow for the florist appointment." Jackie pecked Will on the cheek and waved to Harry before taking her purse and coat from a table. "See you all later!" 

"Jackie, let me walk you out," Harry called as her hand was turning the doorknob. Jackie paused as Harry leapt from the couch and strode over in a few long steps. 

She pulled the door open and held out a hand. "After you." Jackie tried to ignore Kate's excited grin as she followed the Prince out into the dark halls of Kensington Palace.

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