Chapter 4

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Beep, beep, beep

Jackie sucked in a breath and sat straight up in her bed. Blackness remained outside of the elegant curtains that draped the windows of her guest flat, and the only light she could see was from her phone, which continued to go off. The screen informed her that her 5:00 am alarm was going off, starting the long day early.

As Jackie climbed from the bed she felt something tangled around her foot. Further inspection revealed a white button down shirt- Harry's. She wasn't exactly sure how he had gotten back to his own flat that night without it. When Jackie had been walking up to the Prince's room the night before he had met her in the hallway and they didn't end up making it back to his room- her's was closer.

Jackie squinted as she flicked the lights on, the room flooding with light. The small guest quarters Jackie slept in many nights when wedding planning had run late in the palace consisted of a small kitchen, sitting area, bedroom, and bathroom. Of course, fitting Kensington Palace's style, it was lavishly decorated. She didn't need to bring her own beauty supplies, the bathroom was always stocked with her favorites. It made showering that morning easy. Jackie's eyes grew less and less tired as she showered, the steam clearing her head of sleep. She stepped out onto the luxuriously soft bath mat, brushing her shoulder length blonde hair out in the bathroom mirror.

For a moment, she looked into her own blue eyes and couldn't help but to grin. Jackie and the Prince. To her, he was just Harry, but still, he was Prince Harry.

Jackie just had time to put on a loose gray tee shirt and black leggings when a knock sounded on her door. She rushed to open it, and was immediately pulled into a hug.

"It's my wedding day!" Kate squealed. Jackie jumped up and down and shrieked excitedly, pulling Kate in a few turns.

"Oh- I have news!" Jackie gasped, pulling Kate's ear to her mouth. "Harry and I-"

Kate took a step back, her jaw dropping. "No."

Jackie grinned. "Yes."

"I knew it," Kate hissed, her eyes shining. "Since Uni I knew it would happen."

"You did not," Jackie scoffed, her smile not fading. "Lets go get you ready to get married."


A few hours later Jackie was lounging on a chaise, eating a bowl of fruit, watching Kate getting her hair and makeup done. "Hair down, that's daring," Jackie commented. No royal bride had ever worn their hair loose before.

"Yours'll be down as well," said Kate from the makeup station that had been set up in the Royal Suite at the Goring Hotel. Carole Middleton and all of the young bridesmaids sat around the room as well, having their hair worked on. A stylist motioned for Jackie to sit in a chair, where a cape was thrown over her clothes. The stylist and Kate clarified what was to be done, and he went to work.

Jackie flipped through her phone, reading reports of the wedding and looking through tweets and Instagram posts tagged #royalwedding. It was all very exciting, seeing how the event she was taking part in was the most talked about thing in the world.

"Kate, everyone is wondering what your dress will look like," said Jackie.

Kate smiled from her chair. "It's strange, isn't it?"


It took nearly an hour for Jackie's hair to be completed. Soft blonde curls framed her face, and tiny white flowers were weaved into the back, giving her an almost angelic appearance. Makeup took another half hour, though not much was needed. Her complexion was perfected, her eyes defined, and lips glossed. Jackie strode over to Kate's chair, where she was still being touched up to utter perfection and took a photo of the two of them on her phone.

"Oh, you two look gorgeous," Carole gushed, rushing over to the chair. She pulled out her own camera and began taking pictures of the two women, Jackie bending down so she and Kate's cheeks touched. The Royal Family had hired a photographer to take photos of the pre-wedding events, including the getting-ready.

Jackie and Carole, still in their silk robes, worked with the designer to get Kate into her dress as the photographer snapped away. As the back was sewn up everyone oohed and ahed, the sight was truly magnificent.

"Kate, you look like a princess," Jackie observed, which caused a few tears to roll down Carole's cheeks.

"That's enough of that, mother," Kate scolded softly, pulling Carole into a tight hug.

"William is missing out, not seeing you walk down the aisle," said Jackie. "Its a shame that's tradition. You would have taken his breath away."

Kate nodded with a shy smile. Then, a glint shone in her eyes. "I'm sure Harry'll be watching. He'll let Will know how we look."

Jackie had to refrain from acknowledging the true meaning of Kate's words and just laughed before she took off her silk robe to reveal her tight slip. "I suppose I need to get dressed now."

The designer and Carole helped Jackie zip her form fitting white dress. The buttons Jackie requested were in place, running down her entire back. It looked exquisite, and because of the cling of the dress, Jackie thanked herself internally for the many workouts she had done leading up to the wedding.

"Oh. My. God." Kate breathed, admiring Jackie's dress. "Those squats paid off!"

Jackie blushed, admiring her reflection. "I do look alright, don't I?"

"Not as good as me, but you aren't supposed to, so don't feel bad," Kate teased mischievously. Jackie and Kate stood on the dressing pedestal together and posed for some photos.

"My beautiful girls," said Carole, tears flowing.

"Now, now," Jackie laughed, joining Kate in hugging Carole.

"Ladies," a royal aide interrupted, peeking her head into the room. "It's time."

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