Scary Monkeys in the Old Therebefore

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As the water soothed their aching skin, Evadine stiffened remembering what came next. 

Her eyes scanned the treeline only to come face to face with a snarling monkey. Finnick seemed to spot the threat at the same moment as he immediately pushed Evadine behind him. The monkeys circled them, their eyes fixed on Katniss, Finnick, and Peeta. 

But Evadine noticed that once the monkeys saw her, they changed their attention. Evadine smiled, realizing that once again, Coriolanus Snow's craziness had made her immune to the plights of the game. 

Evadine slowly stepped in front of her comrades, she needed the monkeys' attention on her so they wouldn't attack. A manic smile spread as she picked the perfect song...

"You're headed for heaven, The sweet old hereafter, and I've got one foot in the door."

"Evadine what are you doing?!" Katniss hissed, pulling an arrow from her back and aiming it at the monkeys. But the monkeys didn't advance, they kept circling, trying to find a way around the girl they were programmed not to hurt. 

"But before I can fly up, I've loose ends to tie up, Right here in The old therebefore."

Finnick pulled Evadine back into his chest as the other two huddled back to back with them. 

Peeta looked up at the random singing. "Peeta, walk over here slowly." Katniss insisted. The baker's boy finally became aware of the imminent threat and moved towards the girl on fire and the singing siren. 

"I'll be along. When I've finished my song, When I've shut down the band, When I've played out my hand, When I've paid all my debts, When I have no regrets, Right here in The old therebefore, When nothing Is left anymore."

One monkey lunged at Katniss but stumbled backward when Evadine pushed in front of her, singing loudly and more frantic, "I'll catch you up. When I've emptied my cup, When I've worn out my friends, When I've burned out both ends, When I've cried all my tears, When I've conquered my fears, Right here in the old therebefore. When nothing...Is left anymore."

Slowly, the others huddled behind Evadine. Even Finnick reluctantly realized what was happening. Snow wouldn't let her die in the arena and she was using that to her full advantage.

"The singing, it's calming them," Finnick said eyeing the monkeys. 

He knew it wasn't the singing that was protecting Evadine. The monkeys moved unnaturally as if trying to get around her to attack the others. But he also knew that they needed a reason for the monkeys to avoid attacking, something the public might believe. 

He needed the capitol to stay ignorant of Evadine's advantage, of Snow's favor. As long as Snow didn't look weak, as long as no one noticed the favoritism, his wife would remain safe. The moment someone pointed out that Evadine was getting special treatment from the game makers, the advantage would be ripped away and his love and their child would be in danger once more.

"Well she can't sing forever, we have to move," Katniss said, slowly backing out of the water, pulling Evadine and Peeta with her so they wouldn't stumble. 

"I'll bring the news! When I've danced off my shoes, When my body's closed down, When my boat's run aground, When I've tallied the score, And I'm flat on the floor, Right here in the old therebefore. When nothing is left anymore" Evadine followed Katniss, ensuring that she kept in front so none of the monkeys would lunge. 

"When I'm pure like a dove, When I've learned how to love!" She watched as she could tell the game makers were frantically reprogramming the monkeys. She didn't have long, but she bought enough time to save the tribute hidden in disguise. 

Her dry throat was beginning to hurt as she sang, the dehydration making each note sound raspy as it was when Lucy Grey sang it. 

"Right here in the old therebefore, When nothing is left anymore... RUN!" the moment they were clear of the water they took off. The death monkeys were in hot pursuit. 

As they ran one of the beasts threw itself at Finnick, he lifted his trident throwing it off him without breaking stride. 

Katniss stopped for a moment, quickly loosing three arrows into the three nearest threats before running alongside Peeta once more. 

They stumbled through the dark, tripping over branches and roots as they ran for the beach. The moment they made it onto the sand, the monkeys halted. The beasts sneered at the group before turning back and marching into the darkened woods. 


"Right here, Finn." She sighed breathing heavily as she took his hand in hers. He visibly relaxed at the touch, pulling her into his arms once more. 

The rest of the night, none of them found sleep again. As the morning dawned Finnick set out into the water, trident in hand to catch breakfast. 

Evadine got to work on building the fire. The moment the flames came to life, Finn was walking back with two fish in hand. He handed them to Evadine before returning to the shallow bay for more. 

Evadine did her best to descale the fish with her axe and cook it over the fire. 

"What? The princess is too good for anything uncooked. Your delicate palate is gonna tell everyone in the arena where we're at! Just eat it raw." Katniss hissed, pointing at the smoke. 

"I'm pregnant Katniss... It's dangerous to eat raw fish when you're pregnant." Evadine rolled her eyes, getting really sick of the girl's teen angst. 

Finnick sauntered back smiling until he saw his wife's annoyance. 

"What's wrong, sweat heart?" Finn asked handing her the other two fish he managed to catch. 

"Nothing, my love, don't worry about it. Just debating whether eating this will make Fishy a cannibal." Eva forced herself to smile and joke like she always did. 

Finn could tell something was tense in the girl on Fire's eyes. Immediately he started putting pieces together and he was pissed. His glare fixed on Katniss, "What the fuck did you-"

His no-doubt-cutting accusation was cut off by the sound of a distant piercing scream. 

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