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For anyone who didn't see the updated author's note I left in the first chapter, this is THE SECOND BOOK OF A SERIES. It is not a standalone, please read the first book, Adler | Aces of St. Sinclair before reading this book. Thank you (apologies for anyone who's had to see this note repeated, this is the last time)

Today's chapter is dedicated to TanoraWise4 and florence757. Thank you for all your feedback and support!


Cassandra sat, twirling her pencil above her completed sheet while others were still writing. Eyes on the board but mind relaying back to the intel Lydia had provided on the write up of this unlikely seeming kingdom's royals.

"Can we please start with biker boy?" Cassandra requested.

"Alright, alright. Concluding from the description you gave, biker boy is the wild card of the Kings; Ben McCoy."

"Ben? Really?"


"I was expecting something more like, Damien or Maverick or Reece. More edgy, y'know?"

Lydia rolled her eyes. "Anyway, he's part of the school's academics club called Coeus and plays as the striker for the football team. He's the most charismatic but also easy-going out of the Kings. Always the talk of the party. His best subjects are maths, foreign language classes and sports. Not known to have any strong dislikes and likes just about any kind of food. And um, is known to be around a lot of girls but never have any been certified as a girlfriend."

"So he's a fuck boy."

"Er, yeah. Some might say that."

"Proceed to the next."

"What? But I still have tons to say, don't you want more details to have something prepared when you run into him again?"

"I've heard enough." Cassandra failed to keep her tone calm on that. A player— she should've guessed as much and it wasn't like she would plan to go after him but now she was certain of crushing any illusions on that when heartbreak was definite.

"Okay. Then well, next is Will Butler. He's known as the benevolent King. Total sweetheart, doesn't judge by status or reputation and treats all equally. Very attentive, best subjects are chemistry, literature and music. He likes spicy food, prefers cats over dogs and could go a whole day just using his phone and still have top marks."

"I like him already."

"Right? Uh, the relationship aspect is obscure. I don't know if he has a girlfriend cause he's pretty private in those categories from what my sources know."

"Or he prefers older woman." interjected the voice of the school nurse who apparently had been tuning in.

The girls passed her questioning looks. "Not that I can verify that personally, of course." She added as she reported back to her desk.

Lydia's examination was finished up with the verdict that no serious damage was done to her eye and the pair exited the office with a mere ice pack to numb the pressure. "Okay, I'd really love to hear about their favourite films to their zodiac signs but my mummy— er, my mum will kill me if I make us both late on the first day so can we keep it short?" suggested Cassandra.

Lydia heeded. "Next, there's Stevie Powell. She—"

"She? There's a girl?"

"Yeah. She's known as the wallflower queen of the four."

Adler | The Monarch & The Heirs BOOK 2.Where stories live. Discover now