Heroine | A SIX

323 22 13

This chapter is dedicated to Lyriana5 and Eda123120.


Cassandra was at a loss for words. She was the first one to notice the dark haired girl before anyone else. The one and only Caribbean tourist who had given her advice to sail through her turmoil was standing before her, as she wished.

In the academy uniform, no less.

How? Why though? Had Cassandra truly just summoned her?

No, that wasn't possible...

Was it?

She couldn't speculate on it further though, because the stun made her body break concentration on maintaining balance and she went toppling with a loud clutter.


Without a second thought, Andrea leapt off her stool and hurried to Cassandra's side. Ramesh looked moments away from doing the same by his sudden wobble. Cassandra was off to chasten the girl on the reckless decision. Cassandra was touched, truly, but what was the point now if they both got booted by her rowdy fall?

Except, when Cassandra tore her gaze from the worried brunette checking for bruises, she found Adler's callous grey eyes mesmerised on the figure at the door. He hadn't seem to have heard- he hadn't even blinked.

It was almost like he was seeing something unexpected too. As if he knew-

Cassandra's train of thought was disrupted by a shrill, jubilant cry. A distinct name shot in the air before none other than the goofy stud Ben lunged at Erin.

No, he was hugging her. Erin staggered by the powerful hold and his arms were fastening around her waist, the only thing keeping her steady when Ben twirled her in the air. She giggled as she spun, ponytail whipping in the motion. When he let her down, his hands were running along her face and cupping her cheeks. Then there was a kiss.

Cassandra's mouth hung.

It was only on the cheek, but it wasn't any mere peck. It was a whopping smooch packed with so much passion. Especially when Ben proceeded to repeat it on her other cheek, her forehead, above the brow and just about everywhere on her face to drive Cassandra or any girl mad in wondering if he was going to just snog her already.

It felt like he'd already surpassed every boundary of chaste greeting. What was this? Ex-lovers reunited, maybe?

Cassandra was wondering when somebody would stop staring and break it up before it went over PG, then coming to that rescue was Will. He pried Ben off of Erin, letting Cassandra catch her breath. Will towered Erin with arms crossed, a supposed unappeased look on his face.

It only lasted a few seconds as Erin sent him a sideways smile, inching closer. She latched a hand on his nape, skimming her fingers through the hair by his ears and a gleeful expression broke on Will's face right as he enveloped the girl in a hug of his own.

Cassandra's mouth hung once more.

This one nowhere less hair raising than the previous. It was tight and poetically tender with where Will had his head dipped, nose buried in the crook of the Erin's neck, seeming to hold her like she was the world. It was reciprocated with gentle back rubs from her end.

What was going on?

The couple were peeled out of their sweet embrace when a throat bluntly cleared at the table. Will retracted, head turned to where Adler's sharp eyes were locked on the pair.

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