(1) Let the fun begin! Part 1

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P.O.V. 3rd person:

In Hollywood, Beverly Hills, two girls, one with wavy, long ginger hair, green eyes, a beige, strapless shirt, blue jeans, a map and a green purse with a pink flower on top, the other one with wavy, long, dark brown hair in a messy hair bun, green eyes, a black tshirt with a blue butterfly motive on the back and a small one on the front tucked in the blue jeans and a small, black purse, went across the road to search for a place.

At the same time a taxi arrived.
A girl with short blond hair, blue eyes, wearing a magenta dress with a belt, blue jeans underneath and shopping bags got out of the taxi with a big smile and walked straight towards a shopping mall.

That's when the bus arrived at it's station. A girl with short, black hair, hazel eyes and magenta sports suit ran out of the bus to the gym she had seen across the road.

"Um, excuse me, I'm new in town. I was wondering if your gym offers Pilate's classes?" She asked as she probably sees the trainer.

He turned around and started to laugh.
"For who? Your granny?"

The girl let out a confused sound.

"Sweetie," he turned around and pointed at the sports equipment before continuing, "this gym only offers the latest in cutting-edge training regime. Submersible hydro cycling, zero grav power lifting..."

After seeing where he pointed at, she backed away while laughing nervously before turning around and running out of the gym.

When she stopped, she said, "Wow. They sure take their workout seriously around here."

Back with the two girls as they walked on the side of the road.

"Hey sis, wait. Here's a book store. We can get all the reading material for our new school." The ginger haired girl said in an excited tone as they stopped and she folded in her map to put it in her purse.

As they entered the store and looked around the brunette asked no one in particular,
"Where are all the books?"

When they saw a worker in a suit the ginger haired girl pulled her sister with her and asked the worker, "Pardon us, can you tell us where you keep your books?"

He replied with an french accent, "Oh we don't carry books anymore. They scare the customers away. You know, print is so last century. But we do have these 24-karat gold bookmarks, pure silk, runway-ready bookbags and of course our five star gourmet reading café."

As he offered to cost the café with a grin the brunette gave him a apologetic smile, then pulled her sister out of the store before saying, "He's weird." to which the ginger haired girl nodded and they walked away.

The blonde girl walked with her shopping bags when she stopped at a particular shop window to stare at them. She gasps, "Whoa! Now way! Ives Mont Blanc's latest boots! They so didn't carry those in my old home. I HAVE to have them!" She ran and took the boots before someone else could take them and carried them to the cashier.

"Excuse me, do you have them in a six and a half?"

"All you need to know is that they are too expensive for you." The cashier said, not really answering the question before she took them to the back of the shop.

"That is like so rude," she said before continuing, "and so chic!" After leaving the shop she practically yelled in the air, "I just LOVE Beverly Hills!"

At a building, on the platforms in the air which were attached to the building were standing men in disguises as workers who wipe the windows. A robotic voice told them, "Assets will reach target in t-minus ten seconds."

𝑇𝑟𝑢𝑠𝑡 𝑦𝑜𝑢𝑟 𝐼𝑛𝑡𝑢𝑖𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛, 𝑇𝑜𝑡𝑎𝑙𝑙𝑦 𝑆𝑝𝑖𝑒𝑠 Where stories live. Discover now