3: the crime scene

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Jake parked the car on the street across from the yellow tape that wrapped around the building. The side walk had been closed off with the yellow tape which cause the uproar of the locals or passer-bys whenever they tried to walk past the house. Usually making them walk on the edge of the road so they can pass the obstacle in their path

Jake exited the car without a word and Alex quickly followed. She softly closed the door and walked on the side walk around the green Mustang and walked to jakes side. The two falling into a rythm as they looked each way before crossing the road. Jake walked over calmly to the officer and held up his badge which hung from his neck on a silver chain. Alex followed his motion unclipped her badge from its place on her belt and held it up so the officer could see it clearly.

Once the officer was satisfied with the ID he slowly lifted up the obnoxious yellow tape and jake and Alex slid under. It was by no mean graceful but they Continued on walking towards the grand wooden door of the brooklyn apartment. The door was left opened as like blue ants the officers wandered in and out each one busy with their own tasks. Alex followed jake up the steps and into the first floor of the apartment with a spring in her step. " so we need to get to the penthouse " jake spoke " should we check the cameras ? " Alex asked pointing to the small black domed dot hidden in the corner of the room

" good idea get an officer to send the footage to the precinct and meet me upstairs " jake spoke with a smile as he jogged up the stairs towards the penthouse.alex turned to one of the officers who were talking amongst themselves " excuse me can one of you get me the security footage for this building and any cameras which may spot our suspect approaching the building" Alex commanded with a determinate look in her eyes " yes mam " one of the officers spoke with a curt nod " Thank you " Alex spoke her feature softening as they accepted the task

" now the penthouse " Alex muttered to herself as she turned to the stairs and and made her way up each flight until she made it to the second floor " there's a fucking elevator " she groaned as she left the stairs well and pressed the button for the lift. After a few seconds she stood in the sleek sliver lift and pressed the for the top floor

Alex walked out into the hallway and was met with another hive of officers running around. Alex walked through the large set of doors into the penthouse where amongst the crimes scene technicians and the officers she spotted jake and quickly walked over to his side " any ideas? " she asked him as she looked around the room the bright yellow markers catching her eyes amongst the crime scene

" jake this is a pretty nice place right ? " Alex asked confirming her theory " yes It nice why ? he asked " if this place is so luxurious then why is there a skirting board all scratched up " Alex asked pointing to the to the brown lacquer skirting board the wrapped the living room. The particular bit of skirting board she was pointing at had loads of pale scratchings covering the surface of the piece. The scratches ruining the finish of the board which made it look out of place among the glamorous apartments

" your right " jake spoke walking over to the skirting board and kneeling down to inspects it " it seems loose from the wall " he spoke as his hands glided over the wooden surface " get me something to pry it open " he said as he tried to pulling it off with his hands. Alex quickly pulled out her switch balde and handed it to him " thanks " jake spoke looking up to Alex with a smile before he focused on the skirting board

He latched the knife behind the scratched up plank and pryed it off the wall revealing a stash of poppy along with a old burner phone. Alex quickly pulled the blue gloves onto her hands and picked up the burner phone. She turned on the phone and opened up the contacts " there's one contact and it's been called pretty recent like 12 hours ago" Alex spoke as she inspected the phone

" so did our killer or our victim make the call?" Jake asked as he stood up and looked around the room " only the autopsy will prove it " Alex spoke as she followed jakes actions standing up while jake wandered towards the kitchen Alex was drawn to the large window looking out at the brooklyn skyline

" how long does autopsy usually take? " Alex ask turning from the view back to jake who was starting back at her with a small smile " what?" She asked as jake smile grew while he watched her " nothing " he replied quickly shaking the smile from his face as he turned to look towards the kitchen " lets go look at the kitchen " he said trying to steer the conversation away from the fact he was staring at her.

As jake walked off to the kitchen Alex quickly turned on her heels and strided across the fluffy carpet her feet sinking with each step. " jake you ignored my question, how long will autopsy take? She asked again this time more strict as she wanted answers. " depends on the case a week or 2 at most " jake replied as he look around the white marble kitchen. The marble was accompanied by golden embelishments only drawing more attention to the luxury of the penthouse they stood in.

Alex's fingers brushed off the marble counter top as she walked around the kitchen island looking for clues " there's no camera in the kitchen unlike in the sitting room " Alex pointed out " the blood trail stops here " jake spoke aloud. Jake glanced back at alex he looked lost in thought " so the killer must have known about the security layout " Alex asked looking back at jake for confirmation " yeah that sounds right " jake confirmed nodding at alex

Alex walked down the white panels hallway the hallways were illuminated with a warm glow from the reflection of light from the golden light fixtures that covered the rooms. There was no cops down here which intrested Alex. Did they not find anything or just were too busy with the important work to investigate. Jake looked around the kitchen not finding Alex " Alex? " he asked standing up and looking around the kitchen before catching her walking down the hallway.

Jake followed Alex down the hallway the sound of his shoes hitting off the wooden floor echoing throught the hallways. The sounds alerted Alex causing her to swiftly turn around on her heels with her gun held head high and aimed right at jakes forehead.

" its just me " jake said calmly lowering his hand slowly. Alex let out a huff of relief " sorry " she sighed as she secured her gun safely in her holster. Alex turned around to avoid looking at jake. She was quite embarrassed at the fact that she had pulled a gun on jake. If anything who runs up a hallway at a crime scene. She still shouldn't have pulled a gun on him no matter how much she thought she was in danger.

Alex walked forward avoiding jake after what just happened. Alex pushed open the slightly ajar door steadying herself for what she might see. She was met with a pristine room " none of these rooms were touched " jake said as he checked the other room down the hallway " so they knew the drugs were in the sitting room " Alex stated as she walked down the hall with jake behind her.

" I think we should ask Anderson for witnesses " jake said with a small smile as him and Alex made their way into the sitting room once again. Alex stood in the door frame between the kitchen and the sitting room she watched jake confidently stride over to the officer in charge the carpet comforting the sounds of his footsteps " maybe he didn't hear them" Alex wondered quietly to herself as she watch jake talk to the officer.

Jake was nice from what she could tell but knowing her own mind better than anyone it would be a while before she would trust him. Undercover work caused alot of metal issues for Alex like major trust issues and trauma and alot of panic attacks. Her therapist helped her alot making a change back into society but the fact Alex had started back worker had put her mind at ease alot. The idea that her mind was occupied with work rather than her hiding under the cover of her bed and replaying the torture of her time undercover.

Alex was snapped out of her melencholy daydream by jake calling her over to the door of the apartment " we have witnesses and family downstairs to interview " jake told her as he walked ahead with a sense of excitement as the case was starting to piece together. Alex followed behind quickly and quietly she was still lost I'm thought as she followed jake and she only really snapped out of her daydream when she walked doff the last flight of stairs and back into the lobby

Authors note:
Sorry for the delay thing have been crazy and honestly thank you all for reading and supporting me so far

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