Chapter 2

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Hey guys just a little info dump at the start right now. Most base and dock work is done by manjuus but some man still do this type of work even though there is very little in the full grown male population.

While everything else is female dominantes there are still men in those areas due to their experience and more people live in the interior of land instead along the coastlines due to them being a more targeted Rich environment for the sirens to attack.

Location: in earth's orbit
Time: 000 hours
Pov: 3rd person

Inside of Harvest's Grace admiral room, laying on the bed in sleep wear was Harvest herself sleeping in the admiral's bed with a data pad on the floor. Harvest's eyes slowly start to open as she yawns while stretching her arms and back out, with a satisfying popping sound could be heard.

"Time for a shower and some hygiene care as well." Harvest says to herself as she leaves the bed and stumbled her way to the bathroom. After around 75 minutes in the bathroom Harvest walks out with a towel rapped around her chest that barely covered her chest at best, she walks over to the dresser and opens it, and pulls out a modified version of the standard officer uniform and puts it on.


After a putting on the uniform she notices that her data pad is blinking, as she walks over and picks it up Harvest now sees a message on it from UCDF Long Island. She opens up the message and see that she has about till 0300 hours to get ready to meet up with a small part of her fleet.

Harvest leaves her room and head up to the bridge. After a few minutes of travel Harvest arrives at the bridge and walks onto the bridge.

"Mary status report please." Harvest says as she walks up to the holotable, just as Mary appears on said table looking at her.

"Everything on bored is running at full capacity and I have finally integrated completely into the systems last night." Mary informs Harvest as she pulls up might report tabs.

"Good. And Mary I want you to prep and launch a D20 heron to the moon, while doing that i want 12 terraforming drones launched as well to start terraforming the area around the firebase, understand." Harvest ordered Mary to do as Harvest herself moves the ship into position.

"Yes ma'am, im already on it now and i should let you know that i was able to tap into the radio waves on earth being used by all factions." Mary says with a slight tone of pride in her voice.

"Thank you Mary and make sure to monitor their communication about us ok?" Asked Harvest as she sits down in the captain's chair.

"As you order ma'am." Mary responds with a smile on her face.

All the while outside of Harvest's hull her hangar bays opens up as the ship is positioned directly over the moon. As the terraforming drones are the first ones to be launched to the soon to be firebase site to slowly make the place livable. After a while the drone reach the marked site and start to terraform the area by first making the atmosphere of the Moon similar in strength as earths.

"How long will it take to be livable Mary? And did you receive the message from Long Island as well?" Asked Harvest as she looked over to the AI.

"It will take about six hours to make the moons atmosphere livable and another six hours to make the surface of the moon livable. And yes i did receive Long Island's message as well." Mary informs Harvest about how long the terraforming would take, as well about Long Island's message.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 25 ⏰

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