Chapter 5 Screaming Louder

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Chase walk out of the office and into the crisp morning air and he's filled with anxious nerves. He looks around the campus and sees more students awake and roaming around walking from building to building.

"Chase!" A girls voice he knows way to well calls out from behind him. "What's up?" And he's greeted by the one and only Monica Whitmore.

This girl has fiery red hair that falls in perfectly tamed curls. They've hooked up more than a few times, but he doesn't see her as anything else, just something to do when he has nothing better to do. She's gorgeous though, with big red lips and even bigger chocolatey brown eyes. Her nose and jawline are perfectly structured and she always has sparkles lining her cheek bones.

"Hey I'm kinda busy right now," he tries to brush the girl off his side.

"When we gonna hang out again?" Her voice is still pipped up filled with desperation. Despite his attempts to keep moving forward she stands right in front him. "I have some weed."

He smirks and feels temptation course through his body. His head is pounding and heart racing with nerves revolving around the whole Bree situation. "If you got a joint we can spark up on the walk to my building, but then I really gotta do some shit."

She returns his smirk and pulls out a skinny looking joint from her skinny jean pocket. Then lights it between her lips and allows them to walk on the path to his building. Then she passes it to him and says "what you gotta do?"

He just shrugs and he inhales the smoke to his lungs. "You'll find out soon enough," he doesn't feel like explaining his weekend to this girl. After a couple puffs he hands the joint back to her.

"Okaayyy," she lets her words linger between them for a moment before continuing to speak again. "But when are we gonna hang out?"

"I don't know Monica," his voice is coated with annoyance at this point. "We just hung like a week ago."

"A week too long," she mumbles reciprocating his annoyance. Their relationship isn't anything special. They are in the same class though, and have been since the 5th grade. Because their class is so small now, every single one of them kind of shares the same friend group. It wasn't until they were about 16 where they hooked up for the first time, and even though Chase has ventured to others Monica just kept coming back to him like a lost puppy.

Sometimes he feels bad stringing her along, but he excuses his behavior because everyone knows she's a Siren, and can honestly get any guy to do whatever she pleases - even woman. But Chase being a Phoenix protects him from anyone entering his mind, including psychics, Sirens and vampires. Sometimes he feels Monica is so obsessed with him because he's the one person she can't control at her free will.

"Want me to come up to your room?" Monica questions as they reach his building then tosses the roach on the ground.

"No!" His voice comes out louder and sharper than he intended, it's probably the weed mixing in with his head.

Her eyebrows cock in suspicion. "Why do you have some girl in there?" And her voice is coated with jealously.

He scoffs "no," and then lies. His intention is to just disclose as little as possible, as he knows Monica can act sort of cruel. "I told you I just got shit to handle," then waves goodbye and enters his building.

He huffs and decides to take the stairs in hopes the high relaxes him a bit. But his muscles are still tense, both from the workout and from nerves. When he reaches his door and enters his room he sees Bree wide awake, freshly showered and clothed. He can't help but smile and laugh a bit when she sees her glued onto her phone.

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