March 2024 || Milestones

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Hello, Creative Minds!

We want to extend our congratulations to all the participants in the March 30DayChallenge 2024. It is heartening to see how everyone put in their best effort and remained dedicated to reaching their writing goals. Whether you produced a few hundred or several thousand words, you have demonstrated an unwavering commitment to your craft.

We are excited to announce that we will honor and give extra recognition to those who reached the 30-day milestone. If your name appears on the list of successful participants, we will send you a special sticker that represents the milestone you achieved, and you will also be included in our reading list.

Please note that this isn't a contest, and stories were not judged. They were screened based on their word count during the 30 days.

Once again, congratulations to all the creative minds who participated in this challenge. Keep writing and stay creative!

The Main Eventer

@Shivran86 - Kama: Liberation

@Timcarvie - The Innocents.

The Mid-Carder

@official_ruru Sway Me (book 1)

The Low-Carder

@3mberRose - Serenade Of The Veiled Eyes.

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