Chapter 47

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Time: To go
Place: Barton Farm

The warm glow of the early morning sun was slowly rising over the farm, the first light of the day spreading across the horizon. Steve was out for a walk with Finny, taking in the beautiful scenery and fresh air of the farm. He had been a shell of his former self for the past few days, consumed with worry over the safety of his daughters and Girlfriend, and sitting at the farm helpless was only making his anxiety worse. He just needed his girls home, the three of them safe and unharmed. "Easy Fin" Steve chuckled lightly as the dog chased a squirrel which had been a regular occurrence on their walks this week.

The peacefulness of their walk was interrupted by Steve's phone ringing, he expected it to be Clint letting him know breakfast was ready, he wasn't expecting it to be Bucky.

"Bucky?" Steve questioned as he answered the phone.

"It's Tasha Steve, I don't have much time to talk but we've found the red room, I'm gonna send you the coordinates, you and the team will have to meet us there but we won't be able to communicate as we will already be inside, you just wait for my cue"

"Your cue? And then what?" Steve asked confused by her instructions.

"You'll know my cue when it comes. Just get the girls Steve. No matter what, you get our girls okay?"

"I promise Tasha, you guys stay safe"

"Always I love you"

"I love you most"

As soon as the phone call ended, Steve and Finny were running back towards the house, Steve having already dialed Tony's number into the phone.

"Clint we've got to go" Steve yelled bursting through the door.

"They find them?" Clint asked.

"I..hang on" Steve told Clint when he heard Tony's voice through the phone, "you've got to come and get Clint and I Tony, I've got the coordinates. Natasha and Bucky are heading to the girls as we speak we need to leave"

Nate was sat on Steve's bed watching his uncle pack his bags quickly,"You're gonna get AJ and Wanda back?" he asked hopeful.

"Yeah we are kiddo"

"And then they can come here to play?
I've missed them so much, playing fortnite without AJ sucks"

Steve chuckled,"I promise when the girls are home safe, We'll come and visit"

"No just for a weekend this time though. You guys have to stay the whole week"

"You and AJ together for a whole week?
I don't think any of us can handle that kid"

"Please Uncle Steve"

"I'll think about it"

Steve agreeing to at least think about it satisfied Nate. They boy was happy regardless because very soon he was going to see his favorite cousin again.


The atmosphere aboard the quinjet was rather peculiar. Everyone sat in a stoic silence as they were hurtled toward their destination, a mixture of relief and trepidation filling their minds. Finding the girls was only half the battle; getting them out safely seemed like a daunting task, but the team was determined to bring them home safe and sound.

Steve found some solace in Tony's presence as the pair sat in the cockpit together on the flight. Tony was manning the controls, deftly maneuvering the quinjet through the skies.

"Tony do you think they're okay?"

"You want me to be honest?"

Steve nodded, deep down he knew the answer but he was in denial, hearing it from someone else might make it all actually sink in.

"Rogers, from what I've heard about that place the girls will be lucky to come out of there okay" Tony sighed, it wasn't an ideal thing to say to someone when their kids were missing but it was the truth. "But hey you've been here with them before right? And you and Natasha did just fine, all Wanda and AJ need is their mom and dad and they'll be okay eventually"

Steve put his head in his hands, his mind suddenly feeling weighed by a million thoughts,"What if that's not enough? What if I can't be enough for them anymore Tony? I shouldn't be a father any way, I'm not cut out for it, I didn't keep them safe before how the heck am I meant to do it now! I failed them, I'm just like him. My father was no father and clearly neither am I"

"No! We're not doing this Rogers" Tony snapped, the last thing Tony needed right now was Steve to have a mental breakdown, "Don't you dare, those little girls need you Steve, they need their Dad and that's what you promised them you'd be so regardless of how you feel and how you think you're not cut out to be a father, which I disagree with hugely by the way, you push them feelings aside and you focus on the important thing here and that's those girls. Your girls Steve, they're all that matter right now"

"They're all that matter." Steve whispered to himself as he flipped open the lid of his old compass,to look at the photo of Wanda and AJ inside. Despite the tense and uncertain situation, he kept his focus on his
daughters,knowing that they needed him more than ever right now. They needed him to be strong and brave and he was trying his best. He was going to do what ever it took to get Wanda and AJ back safe. Whatever it took no matter what. His daughters were his world and he was ready to save them.


A/N: Steve is the best Dad🥲❤️
Another chapter in 24 hours, you guys are lucky today:)
Thank you for reading 🫡

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