Chapter 64

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Time: To go home
Place: School office

A little over half way through the 3rd grades music class, Ajs teacher had informed her that her uncle was waiting at the office to pick her up. Aj couldn't lie she was grateful to be going, she wasn't sure whether she could endure Liam's attempts to play the recorder for much longer, it was starting to give her a headache. After she had said her goodbyes and promised Liam she would play Fortnite with him later, Aj grabbed her stuff and made her way towards the office. AJ took a slow wander through the school halls, admiring all the bulletin boards that decorated every inch of the space. She was so absorbed in them, she hadn't been paying much attention as to where she was going and ended up bumping into someone.

"Watch where you're going!" A voice grumbled.

"Sorry" Aj apologized as she looked to see who she had bumped into, she was surprised to see Ronnie.

"The soccer stars back?" Ronnie smiled when he saw it had been Aj that bumped into him. After her first encounter with the 4th grade boy, Aj had quickly written him off as a terrible person, however after playing on the soccer team with him she had come to the conclusion the boy wasn't half bad, he acted tough but deep down he was pretty nice.

"Hey" Aj smiled back.

"Don't hey me! You little Punk where have you been? The team has gone down hill since you went M.I.A"

"Sorry my family dragged me to Europe, my mom and dad had some work out there" Aj lied.

"Don't sweat it, you're back now.
I'll see you at training tomorrow?" Ronnie asked.

"I don't know" Aj shrugged.

"You don't know? Come on Aj you're the best we got, after me of course" Ronnie winked making Aj scoff.

"I'm better and you know it" she argued.

"Maybe you are, maybe you're not. I say you come tomorrow to prove you're better" the 4th grader reasoned, he was happy she was back but he wouldn't be happy if she didn't play.

"I'll be there" Aj smiled, she was up for the challenge.

"I'll let coach know. I'll see you around Dork" Ronnie fist bumped the girl before walking back to his class.

"Hey kiddo, you ready to go?" Bucky asked when he saw his niece enter the registration office, Aj nodded and Buck quickly signed her out before they headed off.

As they walked to the car, Bucky asked Aj questions about her day and she filled him in on everything, it was clear to see Aj had really enjoyed being back. She was practically bouncing off the walls,usually Bucky would dread the girls hyper energy however today it brought him a lot of relief. He hadn't seen her this happy since she had been back and he was glad to now.

"We need to stop at the store and get some groceries, Clint and Thor are back tonight" Bucky said,pulling out of the parking lot.

"They're back tonight?" Aj gasped excitedly.

"That is what I just said Avs"

"I'm just double checking you're being serious" Aj pointed out.

Bucky rolled his eyes at the girl,
"I'm being serious. They're back so we need to stock up on food because between Tommy and Thor the food we currently have in the kitchen won't last us a day"

"That's because they're morbidly obese" Aj expressed her passionate opinion on Thor and Tommy's greediness.

"Not just obese but morbidly?" Bucky questioned through his laugh.

"I learnt that word today, did I use it right?"

"Yeah you did"


Natasha was sat up at the kitchen bar, attending to the emails and updates shield had sent her regarding the widows mission to retrieve the remaining vials, everything seemed to be going well and the group on the mission were expected to be back by the end of the week. Nat was so engrossed in her work that she failed to notice Clint walk in, which proved to be quite the surprise when he cleared his throat and broke her out of her focus.

"Hey" Nat smiled as she looked up at her friend.

Clint offered her a kind smile in return, "Hey Tasha, how have you been?"

"Not too bad" she responded as she closed her laptop deciding she was done with work today.

"Sorry I haven't been around, I had to get Thor out of here" Clint felt guilty that he had been absent the last two weeks.

"No need to apologize Clint, it was probably the best decision. How is he?"

"Better,he's slowly and surely becoming himself again. I had him rounding up the sheep at the farm, he failed miserably" Clint joked.

Natasha chuckled, "That's something I need to see some time"

"No worries I've got videos, I know Aj will enjoy them. Speaking off, AJ and Tommy are currently just staring out the window like they're brain dead" Clint informed Natasha who just sighed.

"You know what? That doesn't surprise me one bit. They've lost their minds" she half joked but was equally concerned.

"Isn't parenting just so much fun" Clint laughed.

"Oh so much fun. AJ keeps biting people,I'm pretty sure Wanda's now a stoner and Tommy keeps walking into glass doors" Natasha remarked, she was also slowly loosing her mind, despite having help from Bucky and Tony, she had to admit she was struggling at the whole parenting thing without Steve.

"Ohhh parenting skills are impeccable Tash" Clint teased jokingly.

"Until you just mentioned it, I thought AJ was still at school, I thought Tommy was down in the medical wing for his check up and Wanda, I don't even know where she is right now. So yes Clint my parenting skills are clearly impeccable" Natasha snapped.

"Woah it was a joke Natasha, nobody expects you to know where your children are at all times, I never know where mine are half the time that's the joys of having kids. Right come on you clearly need a break" Clint dragged Natasha out of her seat.

"What are you doing?"

"You and I are going out for a bit"

"I can't Clint"

"Yes you can, come on Tasha you need to get out of here"

A/N:Clint coming to save the day 🥳
Thank you for reading 🫡

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