Chap 13

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Samira's POV

*Phone ringing*

" Samira!!!!! Vaani is calling.!! " My mom shouted from the first floor. I was in my room, all confused about what to do.

Still I went downstairs & picked up the call.


"Hi Sam. You've reached home safely? "
She's always like this. Whenever we talk to each other, the First thing we ask each other is about our well being. That's just our thing.

"Yeah. "
" Well... I saw you with Tanya from my bus window. Did she tell you anything about the sudden change in her behaviour ? "

What should I answer now.


" I have to tell you something Sam. " She said.

"What is it? " I eyed her warily

" I want to give you an advice. "

"Advice? What kind of advice? "

"I have heard some girls bitching about you behind your back . "

" Like? About what? "

" That you consider others inferior to you. And That you are very arrogant as you are good in everything. They were saying that you get opportunity in everything because your sister is popular. You are popular because of Your sister."

My heart broke. It hurt so much to listen to all this. This makes me feel so small. I get opportunities because of my sister? Why would anyone give me any opportunity just cause my sister is popular? My teachers know me cause I score the highest in the class, and I don't get only opportunities , but I have proved myself by winning in every competition I have ever participated. So why is everyone saying this about me? I have always tried to do my best. I have always tried to keep people around me happy. I don't even say No to anyone if they ask for any help. Then why?

I didn't realise but my eyes got filled with tears but I was not going to cry.

I sniffled and asked," why? Why are they saying this? "

" Well I don't know Samira. But I heard that... " She trailed

I looked at her ," that? "

" Vaani was the one spreading all these rumors about you. "


" That's not true." I said sternly. I knew that Vaani could never do something like that .

" Believe me or not Sam, but remember that I am your bestfriend, and I will always think of your interest . " She said and then patted me on my shoulders.

And just walked away.
Just walked away? I needed her right now and she just walked away? After telling me something like this.

And the thing that I was supposed to ask HER about HER PROBLEMS. Her & Advik. But the table got turned.

Flashback ends------

"She told me nothing. I don't know if she's okay. She didn't tell me anything."

" Oh yeah? Then what she talked about? "


" Hmmm well nothing..... You know how she's avoiding us every time. That's what she did. Again " I lied.

Yeah I lied.

I know that Vaani couldn't do it, But I also believe Tanya. She can't lie to me.

Ughhhh I am so frustrated right now.

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