Chap 15: The last exam

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As soon as the target gets completed I will update 👉👈

Samira's POV

After the exam ended , me and Vaani walked out of our class and saw Tanya there, leaning at the wall as if waiting for someone. I knew she was waiting for me , I just knew it. Anxiety started crawling into me as I thought of the possibility of her being here, what was she here for? To talk about the rumours & Vaani?

I wanted to avoid her because of whatever she informed me yesterday, it just worsened my mood by thinking about all that. But as Vaani saw her too, she dragged me with her towards Tanya.
Tanya took notice of us, and turned towards us. Then she gave us a subtle smile which I returned but Vaani scowled at her.

"kya Tanya madam ? Aaj aapki mood bohat acchi lag Rahi h. Aaj Suraj Pashchim se nikla hai kya? " Vaani mocked sarcastically, to which Tanya gave her a tight lipped smile.

" Grow up Vaani. Not everyone is happy and bubbly everyday!!!! " Tanya replied with a roll of eyes.

" What do you mean by bubbly? Do I look like dairy milk or something? " Vaani replied with a huff which made me snort. They both looked at me with narrowed eyes and I made a sign with my hands as if I was zipping my lips .

" Well let's go. Or you will miss your bus Vaani. " Tanya said to Vaani but this time it was decent, No one taunts the other.
So Vaani nodded and we started walking towards the exit. We were discussing the paper and also about the next test that is the last test - tomorrow.

I was happy that tomorrow will be the last exam and then we will have a holiday before the new semester (that is class 7th) starts. But I had a little ache in my chest too , as I know that during this whole holiday I will not be able to see HIM. Well it's a good thing, maybe this way I can get him out of my system and mind. I don't want to have a crush on him and this distance between us will definitely lessen my attraction towards him.

" Even you know that that's quite difficult " my mind mocked me. It may be quite difficult but it can't be impossible.

Vaani took her bus while Tanya went towards the parking lot with me. And suddenly she said," Did you see? "

I was taken aback by her sudden question, I turned my head towards her and asked ," What? "

She huffed and replied," How did she talk to me? "

" Yeah, I did. So what? " I answered with a shrug, still walking our way.

" Really!! You are asking me ' so what? ' . Didn't you see how rude she is with me? "
She said , her voice filled with rage.

As we reached the parking lot, I stopped and stood by my bicycle and faced her.

" Oh come on Tanya!!! We all know that's how Vaani usually talks. It's not the first time she talked to you like that. And also it's not like she only talks to you like THAT , but that's how she talk to most of the people. " I reasoned while looking at her.

Tanya was scowling at me and her face was tilted a bit upwards in defiance. Tanya was shorter than me in height, with bangs on her face and mid - length hair. She had brown skin and dimples which usually made her look cute ( atleast to me ) .

" But we are her friends aren't we? Well that's what she says atleast right? So why does she treat us like that. Also, that's the point - she has been acting like that with us since always and still we stick to her side. So to me, we are the dumb ones here. " She said as she folded her hands in front of her chest.

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