Chapter 4

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3 weeks later

The 2 familes had gathered together, this time with the children altogether. Everyone except Adhira had arrived. Her mother spoke up when asked about her whereabouts saying she would be late because of a surgery scheduled earlier.

Amongst his happy family members, Rehaan felt uncomfortable. He could only think of one thing. It had been 18 days since he returned from his business trip but still had not received a single text or a call from her. He was aware of the fact that their marriage date would be fixed the very next day and this is just an unofficial meetup for "celebrating". And the one person who was actually excited about their marriage had not called him or messaged him even for once. He knew the usual Adhira would have talked non-stop about it.

His thoughts were interrupted as Reyaan announced, "Here comes my would be #bhabhi2!" He saw her entering the private dinner place hastily. She was wearing a black jumpsuit and a white coat with her bag and stethoscope in her hand. Her hair wasn't perfectly made but that made her look more perfect if that makes sense. For the first time he felt something different. Did he feel butterflies in his stomach right now? Did his heart just skip a beat?


As soon as Adhira arrived she took blessings from the elders and waved at the youngsters. Once she settled down beside her parents on one side and Rehaan on the other, the elders continued discussing details about pre-wedding rituals which they had decided to complete at least a month before the wedding.

As the people of their own family were engrossed in talking about whatever they were talking Rehaan looked at Adhira. She looked a bit different from the usual family meetups. She kept staring at her phone as if waiting for someone's call.

Rehaan leaned towards her and asked very softly, "Looks like you're awaiting a call!". She was startled by this action of Rehaan's. She simply whispered back, "nothing", but she knew she was lying. As soon as she replied her phone rang up and she sighed a sigh of relief and excused herself. This made Rehaan raise his eyebrow. He felt something off.

Adhira came back in a few minutes and as soon as she came she took her belongings and declared to all that she had to go for a really critical situation has arised in her hospital. She promised she would be back in 30 minutes as her hospital was just 5 minutes aways from the restaurant.

Mrs. Raisinghani asked Rehaan to drop her off but she denied instantaneously that startled everyone. She added on about her friend being nearby and that he can pick her up.

Even tho she told a very convincing lie, this didn't set right with Rehaan. But he did not dare to leave the place scared what the truth might be.


Adhira's POV:

Oh godddd!!! That must be the most embarrassing and awkward interaction. Why did he look like he was judging meee??? Also why would I need his help.

I felt relived when I saw my bestfriend from afar.

He was sitting on a bench in the park 5 minutes away and when he looked at me I sprinted towards him and hugged him tightly.

"You're my savior"

Him: Adhu wtf why would you even plan something like this?

Adhira: You know why Z. (Zee)

Zain: C'mon girl you can't just runaway from him. You'll have to face him sooner or later.

Adhira: He doesn't even wanna talk about... anything!! How long will I be the only one trying? It's disheartening and embarrassing.

The Raisinghanians : what lies beneath the glass castleNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ