Chapter 9

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Reyaan's POV :

The only thing good about being in the middle management  of the company is that I get to keep the weekends for myself.

It has really been a while since I drove my bike! And Oh my god did I miss this. The thrill, the rushing of blood in my veins, my heart pumping non-stop, the adrenaline rush. I missed this for so long. I craved for it.  And finally I am doing what I missed doing for weeks.

But my excitement was short lived as fear took over me when another bike came at full speed overtaking me cutting short my thrilling experience. And from then every time I tried avoiding that bike and change my lane, it came in front my vehicle. And this got on my nerves. The more it irritated me the more the owner of that bike made fun of me by making an annoying sound of the brakes and rising the front part of the bike. That person was definitely teasing me. Fuming in rage I too raised the front part of my bike and being utter disrespectful I pointed towards my dick and sped up and passed that bike. Although the move was childish it kind of satisfied me. But one thing stuck with me; those eyes beneath the cat shaped helmet: those cat eyes I'd never forget, the way he or she teased me. Nonetheless those biking skills were so fucking impressive that it made an impact on me. It made me want to search him or her up but I knew nothing about that person.

I was just thankful to gracious that we never collided given the closeness our bikes had!

Not caring much about the incident, I laid on my bed trying to think about the rare but beautiful moments of my life. And I don't know why the memories of that night started clouding my mind. Me and Samriddhi never met after that night but her thought kept me awake for a few nights to be honest. Her helpless look, those cat eyes and those lips... I couldn't help but think about her. Her body that inched perfection made me want to embrace her and not allow her to leave my arms. But was it really okay to feel like this about my bestfriend's sister?  It was just a normal day when I helped my friend by helping his family. Why am I overreacting about that interaction? But I can't seem to unsee that spark between us as well. The way we both heard each other's silent breaths and looked into each other's eyes. It was like if I ever decided to lessen our proximity, she'd welcome me.

I really needed to clear my mind. So, the only way to do that was by going to a club. It's the only place where I'm not judged based on my background. And I can find peace in between the chaos.

On reaching the club I took an empty seat near the end of the bar, hoping to not be approached by anyone. Although it's impossible for women to feign ignorance to this handsome face of mine, today lesser number women had approached me. But then also the ones who approached were turned down with small talks only. I tried to drown myself in the intoxication of the Scotch lying in front of me. Today was hectic and the thought of getting into a massive accident never left my mind. If my family knew I went out to bike this evening, they would be steps away to bury me in the ground with their harsh words. Not to mention Revaan bhai would've turned on his Ravaan mode.

The loud music and the strong smell of my scotch mixed with the faint smell of other drinks made me a bit intoxicated, making me feel lighter and helping singling out the stressful thoughts from work and that nights interaction.

Soon I started feeling drowsy realising that I was too drunk to be sane. But even then, one person caught my attention. A woman in her mid 20s was dancing without a single care in the world (oh how I wish I too didn't give a single flying fuck to this "world"). Swaying her hips from side to side which romantically synced with the swaying of her long luscious hair. Maybe because of the shiny golden dress that she was wearing that she caught my eyes, but she had this charm which made it impossible for me to stop staring at her while she flirted with me with her dancing and those eyes. Once hers met mine I found myself drowned in those cat eyes (too many cat eyed people I am witnessing nowadays huh!). Oh god; even though every other thing in that room was blurred out in my vision due to the alcohol but she was the only one who stood out. I have never met her in my life but damn that woman was the only one I could see right now (more specifically just her eyes as the intoxicated me did'nt have the strength to see her full face, but still those dark eyes inebriated me further). It was as if she was inviting me to do all the wrongs with her at that moment. The way she moved made me want to snatch her away from the stage and hide her in my arms preventing any other eagle eyes of the other monsters ogling at her. Her sun-glazed skin made me want to plant my kisses all over her. (Only if she knew about these notorious thoughts I was having.) The moment our eyes met for I don't know the nth time, she winked at me and signaling me to follow her with her eyes after which she turned around and got mixed with the crowd but still making sure I notice her. I lowered my head and a small smile escaped me as I shook my head amused how she had so much control over me. At least for today I really wanted to avoid any female attraction or distraction whatever you call it because I  just don't want to use a woman for a toy that satisfies the distressed me for this one night especially not when I am too drunk to even remember her face but this woman I swear to god was just like a magnet. She pulled me too close to ignore her and at this point not acknowledging her would be equivalent to insulting her and I can't do that, I am tok attracted at this point and anyways we all have some exceptional expiriences in our lives, don't we? I sluggishly got off the chair and made my way towards the corner following her trails.

Once we were in one corner of the bar where there were less prople I trapped her between my two hands and the wall. She let out a small chuckle that fucking melted me and turned me on at the same time. I closed the distance between us increasing the tension before leaning my face towards the crook of her and pretending to say something but instead rubbing the tip of my nose below the earlob as my right hand pulled her closer and let out a gasp as she felt my painfully hardened member between her thighs.

Reyaan: Can't let you go after what you've done to me, can I miss?

I saw a very familiar crimson tint appearing on her face as she tried to look away. That similar shy smile decorating her shining face that resembled innate beauty of the moon. But her expressions changed soon. A sly countenance took over as she pulled me even closer by pulling my collar and deleting even the possibility of existence of any thin layer of air as our bodies overlapped one another.

She whispered with slurring almost everytime she spoke a word indicating she was equally drunk to even recognize who she was with just like me: "But I have a condition!"

Reyaan: I agree to any condition if that means I'm gonna get lucky tonight Mademoiselle !! Hell yeah spill it!

Her: You have to be by my side when I wake up tomorrow morning. That's a simple one right?

Reyaan: Your wish my command Mademoiselle!

With that I picked her up as she wrapped her legs around my torso as I involved myself in the most intimate and passionate kiss in my life.

I carried her to the nearest room available not missing a single bit of that steamy kiss we shared.

Man, I really am getting lucky tonight and by this time I had already forgotten about the stressful thoughts that wrapped around my head focusing solely on worshipping this woman with my everything tonight.


Okayyy..... sooooo.... who is this (not so) mysterious girl ?!!!

It has been a while that I posted ... I hope you all like this chapter!!!

Thank you so much 🤍

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