Welcome to Jabberwock Island

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(Y/n)'s POV

"Hey" a voice called out through the darkness "can you hear me?"

I slowly opened my eyes to a blurry sight, I squinted my eyes as they adjusted to the light.

A boy with a dark green coat, pale skin and white hair, that seemed to defy gravity, stood tall over me.

"Are you ok?" He questioned, a tone of worry to his speech, looking at me with an concerned expression on his face "...you seem pretty out of it," his face didn't change. "to be honest, I also... no... everyone else feels the same to."

I lifted a brow at his word "Everyone?" I said. He hummed in approval, the boy offered me a hand, and I took it. Standing up right, I was able to take a look at what was around me. Lots of people were scattered on the floor all over the sand with the same perplexed look on their faces. There were palm trees placed all over, and the crystal clear water reflected the  bright light of the sun. The faint squawking of seagulls rung through my ears.

It's seemed like we were on a tropical island. As beautiful as this was it felt like a fever dream. what's going on?

how did I get here? come on I have to remember.

I need to remember...

<flashback start>

I looked up admiring the school ahead of me, it was amazing. I couldn't wait, I couldn't wait to start a new chapter of my life especially after everything that has happened so far. I think I'm ready. It was my first day; I can start all over again, I can make people think differently this time. This prestigious school for students with unbelievable talents, I'll be respected by them. Hopes Peak academy, this school will change how everybody sees me from now on. I took a step forward towards my hopeful futurgkkvdkskrekrghkrbhhgngngvbkfdhktkcv

<flashback end>

My mind snapped back to reality, realizing that the boy was still looking at me now with his mouth slightly open, facial expression stumped. My face heated up. His face was so close to mine. I backed away a little. 

"I'm Nagito, Nagito Komoeda," He introduced himself.  "The Ultimate Lucky student, although I wouldn't consider that an ultimate." He said with a cheesy grin.

What? Why is that?

I looked up at him dazed and confused by what he said. I manage to muster up a smile trying to brush of what he said "Hi, I'm (y/n) (l/n), Ultimate... uh... Intuition." I said. "I thought we were in Hopes Peak, Where the heck are we???"

"Ultimate Intuition?" he replies not paying attention to the question that had just been asked. "That sounds interesting". I turned away in discomfort.

What does he mean by interesting?

I take another look at my surroundings the sun almost blinding me. I didn't know what more to say to him.

"I'm... uh... going to go look around now if you don't mind." I said while turning around.

"Ok then, I'll see you around." Nagito replied.

That was a little awkward... I don't think all my conversations turn out that uncomfortable... unless they do... He seems a little strange.

Nagito's POV

That girl... (y/n) (l/n) her talent, it really captivates me. 

"Ultimate intuition, huh?" I mumbled under my breath. 

I wonder how it works, how much hope she and her talent possesses, I've never seen or heard of someone with a talent like that... it's must be a very useful talent, unlike mine. A familiar feeling came over me and I felt swirls forming in my eyes. I immediately snapped out of my trance, i need to find out more about her talent. I looked around the island. I spotted a guy with brown spiky hair in a very plain outfit, unconscious, submerged in the sand. Hmm... I wonder if he's ok.

Luck & Intuition (Nagito Komoeda x reader)Where stories live. Discover now