The Killing School Trip Begins

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(Y/n)'s POV

Being the second to last one who got changed, As I exit the small lodge i am greeted by laughter and smiles. mostly everyone was in their swim suits each outfit perfectly suiting everyone in size and style.

Talk about convenient.

It was a nice view, watching everyone playing around in the water, enjoying themselves. 

Is that Gundham building a castle with his four hamsters...? so cute.

i stood just a few meters away from the water amongst the other students who didn't want to swim thinking about if this was the right decision. 

Why am I feeling like this, clearly there's something wrong because I'm feeling off, yet nothing's happening, everything seems to be fine. what if I'm told that I'm being delusional again. everyone's happy. well... mostly everyone considering Peko, Mahiru, Byakuya, and Fuyuhiko are still in their regular clothes looking as mundane and serious as ever. Hajime is still suspicious about the whole thing and that's understandable because I somewhat feel the same way. i was expecting to be in a classroom not on a remote island.

Without realising my head is directed towards the sand in front of me and a gloomy expression resonates throughout my face. 

Nagito's POV

When i get into the water, I lay down for a bit, floating, letting the waves take me over, trying to get used to this situation we had all been placed in. 

i get up and watch how happy everyone is, seeing laughter and cheerfulness spread across their faces, watching these Ultimate's interact with one another fills me with so much hope. I don't deserve to be in the presence of everyone here, especially because of how worthless my talent is compared to everyone else.

My attention is caught by The Ultimate Intuition. (Y/n), just standing just a few feet away from the water, her head towards the ground.

Is she ok?

I wade through the water making my way towards The Ultimate Intuition.

"Hey, (Y/n)?" I say, waving my hand in front of her.

(Y/n)'s POV

"Hey, (Y/n)?" I jump back, snapping out of my thoughts as a pale hand is waved in my face. 

"huh? oh! Nagito... hi" I try to collect my words. he stands directly in front of me shirtless, only in his swim shorts.

"are you ok?" he asked.

"me? yeah, I'm good." I respond clearly distracted by how exposed he is. "I just spaced out, this whole experience is a little overwhelming, it makes me think a lot." I play with my hands.

 His body is really pale, I mean, it looks almost unhealthy... why are my hands so sweaty.

Nagito sees this and reaches to grab one of my hands. this catches me off guard and my whole body tenses up in response. 

"are you sure?" he asks again. 

"Yeah." I hesitantly nod. "Actually, you know what, I think somethings wrong but I don't know, I'm not exactly sure." I reluctantly added.

"What do you mean?" Nagito asks. 

"This," I gesture to the scenery around us. "I mean, this 'hearthrobing' school trip... everything feels off." I cringe, I also see Nagito squirm a little at that name.

It's an awful name. 

"You're the ultimate intuition, if you feel that somethings wrong then you're bound to be right" Nagito says. I don't say anything in response to that as I'm a little taken aback by his strange reaction to my paranoia. 

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 18 ⏰

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