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The next morning at the house of the Austin 

- Mmmmm baby, love... - Charlotte still didn't open her eyes and even so, it wasn't necessary to do it to know that her girlfriend was much more than excited waiting for her to wake up. Something hard and huge touched her from behind.

– Mmmm... Engfa... darling... You have to try to calm down... - Although the raven haired had to admit that she liked to put her brunette like that, even her body had not fully recovered from her last session with the brunette

– Engfa... love... Remember that Molly is sleeping with us - Charlotte managed to open an eye to see a scattered brunette sleeping as if she were the owner of the bed. As much as her eyes closed again, a smile was drawn on the raven haired when she saw her little girl with a finger in her mouth while with her free hand she cropped her battered blue rabbit. Charlotte took a deep breath as a sign of peace, it seemed that everything was in order, just as she liked it. Even Engfa's huge erection in her ass seemed normal to her and she even decided to feel it for a while longer

-Mmm love, you're going to make me end up being addicted to waking up like this,- she whispered to the brunette.

- I'm going to end up getting used to it and then you're going to have to make an effort to keep it like this every morning - Charlotte laughed at her own comment, for Engfa that was no problem, the brunette was always ready, she was like a Boy Scout -always ready-

Charlotte heard a -plop- and slowly opened her eyes, Molly had let go of her finger and that meant that she was ready to wake up, so Charlotte had to prepare mentally to start the day. She closed her eyes to finish recharging her energies, energies that the little brunette and the big brunette had at the moment, Charlotte in her bed were in charge of getting them tired. The woman sighed and thanked God for giving her a daughter like Beth who helped restore her balance. Unlike Molly, Beth was smarter than the children her age, learned quickly and had no trouble following orders at all. Rather, Charlotte had to admit it, the little raven haired was as good as she was giving the orders. Orders that of course Engfa and Molly had a hard time following and above all they found it extremely fun to disobey them for the anger of the little Charlotte.

Charlotte opened her eyes and looked at the blue rabbit that accompanied them in bed. The stuffed animal was the perfect example of what Charlotte wanted to explain. The night before when Ariana Grande had left the little family at her house, Beth was completely asleep in her impeccable and wrinkle-free dress. It didn't cost Engfa anything to put her to sleep in her bed in the room that the little girl shared with Sophie and her sister, by the time the brunette and the raven haired finished putting on Beth's pajamas and giving Beth the good night kiss to be able to dedicate to Molly, they realized that the brunette had not stayed where Charlotte left her. It wasn't until Charlotte checked her cell phone and found a message from her mother telling her that it was urgent for her to get to the room, she found an enthusiastic and totally full of chocolate Molly, telling her two grandparents absolutely everything she had done at dinner, including the part of the nudity and including the part in which once dressed in other clothes, the little girl grabbed Ariana's dessert that consisted of an exquisite chocolate ice cream bathed in hazelnut liqueur and took care of not leaving part of her last piece of clothing without Stain. Isabella and Michael laughed out loud when the little girl said -naked- -choco- and -Mommy-, and the laughter increased even more when Charlotte grabbed the little girl and took her away not without first letting her throw a couple of kisses to her -nonos-. But that was not all, when Charlotte made the terrible mistake of giving the little girl to the brunette to give her a bath while she was looking for her sleeping clothes, Charlotte found that not only Molly had fled from her girlfriend as usual, but this time she had not fled into her arms, but rather, she made it in to another arms. Charlotte and Engfa found Molly naked and very huddled between James and Amelia telling them exactly the same thing she had told her other grandparents. And despite the fact that the businesswoman found it adorable that, like her girlfriend, Molly shared the same sense of justice and what she tells some grandparents, she had to tell the others, the raven haired did not take long to grab the little girl and take her to the bathroom herself, not without first letting the little one greet Mrs. and Mrs. Chearavanont in the same way she did with her parents. But Molly's adventure didn't end there either, first because it was practically impossible to get her out of the bathtub, second because it was impossible to make her sleep without first finding her -mumu- as the girl told her rabbit and third, because even with a rabbit and all the little one appeared in her two mothers' room, with a rabbit in one hand and with an inflatable whale in the other. Whale that Charlotte didn't know how the little girl did to find and with whom Charlotte had to share her night.

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