Say No, Please...

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- Amelia? - The brunette hadn't changed her confused face since Ariana entered her apartment. She didn't stop looking between the two women and moving nervously. Her head and body had a terrible need for Charlotte to be by her side.

- Hello dau... hello Engfa - greeted the woman carefully treating the person in front of her

Engfa walked away several steps and Amelia felt the jeweler's hand go on her back to give her strength. The older brunette shook her head as a sign that she was fine. Between the talks with her husband, the talks with the twins, Mr. and Mrs. Austin and everything that had something to do with Engfa's life, Amelia had learned that around her daughter she had to move as if she were walking on glass, with great care.

- What... what... what are you doing here? - Engfa still didn't relate the favor she had to do to Ariana with the presence of her mother here - why did you bring her? Why... - She couldn't help but feel a little angry with her friend

Ariana and Amelia looked at each other and it was the jeweler who took the floor

- Your mother... - the brunette squeezed her lips and the elegant woman hurried to correct herself

- Amelia was working at the company when my father came in to force me to go to that party. She listened to our fight unintentionally and I finished using her as a therapist to tell her about the situation. She herself offered to take care of the girls - she summarized the events that occurred at Tiffany & Grande Co.

Faced with the silence and the face of concern and confusion of her daughter Amelia decided to talk - I know you probably don't like the idea very much but I love those three girls. They are my granddaughters and the other is almost as if she were, I'm going to take care of them better than myself - she added for sure.

Engfa shook her head in negative. They were her daughters and her niece, she was going to take care of them.

- Please Engfa - Ariana insisted showing her the tuxedo

-I'm anxious- her voice came out like a squeal.

- Charlotte... I want to talk to Charlotte... - she needed her girlfriend to tell her that everything was going to be fine.

This time it was Amelia who grabbed her cell phone and tried to call the businesswoman. She knew that if someone could take out Engfa's face of panic and suffering, was her daughter-in-law - I'm sorry - she apologized by closing the call - She doesn't answer...

- Neither did Miss Jensen - Ariana had tried on the other hand.

- Then it's better that I stay...

-Engfa- the two women said at the same time. Ariana gestured to Amelia giving her the floor.

- If you don't want to go with Ariana it's fine - the brunette's mother didn't listen to the jeweler's protest groan

-But if that's the case, I ask you to let me stay here, with you, until Charlotte returns. I can help you take care of my granddaughters -she wasn't going to force her daughter to go to a party she clearly didn't want to attend, but at least she was going to try to spend time with her. Any minute she gave her was going to be well received.

- Listen - Ariana took the floor again and managed to get the brunette's gaze to focus on her - Amelia I know you're afraid that Engfa will feel uncomfortable in that place, but I promise - she looked at Engfa

-I promise you that I am not going to separate from your side and that as soon as you want to leave, we will leave- she said with total sincerity.

-But really, I really need you by my side, Engfa. I need you to give me the strength that only a friend can give. You are the only person who has never expected anything from me - the brunette was loosening with every word

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