Chapter 3

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He kept smiling at me. He doesn't seem to be here to devour me; is this a snake trick?! Is this an illusion? My eyes widened as his snake tail turned into a man's lower body.

What the heck?! I have only watched a mermaid tail transform into human legs on screen, not the snake version! I can't stop overthinking of possibilities. But, if he intended to prey on me, he could have done so while I was sleeping, so... he's not here for food.

I'm not truly frightened. I've seen a lot of 'snakes' up until yesterday and this is a more honest form of them.

Damn, he's completely nude.

I won't die trying to confirm, right? I approached him and took a lock of his beautiful, straight red hair in my palm. Soft...

"Not an illusion..." I whispered to myself. The wolf behind me continued to growl at him and nudge my leg.

'This female likes my hair.' He smirked.

"Are you a female of the snake clan?" he asked. I see him looking towards my hair. Red...

It's not smart to lie to someone who seems threatening, let alone a snake! I do not have any weapons with me right now. I could easily die.

"I'm not," I answered. I still had a lock of his hair on my hand. He's not even resisting.

'Her body is fully covered with her strange clothing. It's difficult to see any spousal marks.'

I was taken aback when he held my cheeks with his hands.

'This female... is even more beautiful than any I've seen... yet why is she here with a lone wolf. I can't smell any male scent on her.'

'Mine... I found my partner.' He smirked.

That level of handsomeness is illegal! Even my company's models would be outmatched by him!

We continued to stare at each other until my stomach made an unpleasant sound.


"I'll go hunt," he said.


"I'll be back soon..."

"No, I meant..." I tapped my finger on my hip repeatedly.

"Y-you know, we're just strangers and you don't need to do that. I have my own food," I respond with hesitation. The wolf was still poking my calf and pressing it's head against my foot.

I noticed his brows furrow somewhat.
"You are my female," he answered.

What? Female? By animals, does he mean a mate? What the hell have I gotten myself into?!! This is bad, really, really bad! Even the wolf was repulsed by his remark.

"But I'm not your mate..." I said.

His gaze shifted downwards. He appeared to be sad. He leaned in closer, until he was just a few inches away from my face. "You don't like me?"

Well, I don't dislike you. I just think that you're proposing to me at a glance. As if I would tell him that!


I'll die if I say no, right? But looking at him like this... It's not a poor choice. I took a few minutes to think about the situation before answering.

This is going too fast but not as fast as the time my head would be sliced off or when I'd be skinned alive. My life is more important.

"I l-like... kinda like you?"

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⏰ Cập nhật Lần cuối: Apr 14 ⏰

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A Non-Freeloader in The Beast WorldNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ