Chapter 28

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Pope took the driver's seat, and we kept John B lying flat as we drove to the Ferry. Pope got out, and came back freaking out. "Well bad news, the ferry's closed, and there's uh this." He handed Kie a paper who stared at it wide-eyed before handing it back to us. I looked at it in JJ's hand, to see it's a wanted poster of John B with a 25k reward on it.

"Well John B this is a good framer of you." JJ remarked, and I can feel my head spinning.

"Shit, everyone on this island is looking for you." I told him.

"That's a lot of money." Kie pointed out.

"Congratulations John B you're now famous." JJ added.

"We need to get to the HMS we need small, no running lights-"

"It's at the chateau Kie." John B told her.

"They definitely have cops covering that house." I said. "There's no way we can go back there."

"What if one of us gets it?" Kie suggested.

"I don't think so. I'm sure the cops are going to know we're not going out for a boat ride while our friend is a wanted fugitive." I pointed out and she nodded in agreement realizing that's not a good plan.

"Okay wait a second, let me think." Pope stated, and then got an idea. "JJ does your dad still have that old cigarette boat he used to race with, the Phantom?"


"Perfect, you can get right up the coast with that."

"Pope, the surf's running from 3-4." Kie told him.

"It's not that easy man I don't know where the keys are." I can tell JJ's getting nervous because that means he might have to see his dad again and I feel really bad about the thought of him having to do that.

"What about Molly's boats? Your dad's got a couple of fast ones."

"And the keys are in the safe which I'm sure I won't be able to get to considering l've been ignoring his calls for the passed two days." I reminded him. "Besides my dad and Ward are like this..." I crossed my fingers.

"He's going to be watching me like a hawk if he thinks I could've been around John B."

"Why is no one moving forward?!" Pope demanded, and started beeping the horn aggressively and I pushed him to stop hitting the horn.

"Guys! Your car is on the poster!" John B hissed, and I looked at it.

"Pope stop!" I told him to calm down because he's bringing too much attention to the car my heart started pounding knowing now everyone is going to be looking for us.

"Mom look! It's that guy!" We heard a kid yell and my eyes widened.

"Shit we got a snitch Pope turn the car on!" JJ ordered, and he did. Pope accidentally slammed forward, hitting the car in front of us.

"POPE GO!" | yelled, and he backed up, slamming on the gas. He's clearly smoked too much because he's driving like a maniac. He swerved around the road, and slammed into a set of mailboxes.

"Jesus!" JJ yelled, as the three of us got thrown around the back seat. "Pope I am not the one to tell you this but you have had too much to drive man stop!" Pope slammed on the breaks.

"John B get out."

"He's right man, I'll get the rig and I'll meet you at the dump 3 o clock tomorrow okay?"

"Okay." I watched as John B ran off so we could lead the cops away on a chase.


A little while later, it's now getting dark out and Kie made Pope switch with her so she could drive. Pope and JJ stayed in the back seat smoking, and I feel like I'm gonna throw up. "He's gonna be okay." Kie reassured me.

"We need to get Sarah." I told them and JJ shot me a look.

"Didn't we just talk about this?"

"I know but I'm worried." I admitted. "If Sarah isn't going to lie for them she's in danger. Ward wouldn't hurt her but if Rafe thinks she's a threat..." I trailed off, knowing full well how Rafe reacts when he feels threatened.


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