Chapter 30

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I know this house like the back of my hand so I made a dash for the stairs. I got to Sarah's bedroom door and saw it was locked from the outside. "Shit!" I huffed, and reached up to the top of the doorway to feel around for the key.

"Sarah?!" I heard Ward's voice from the kitchen and jammed the key into the lock. I rushed into her room and locked the door behind me.


"Sarah?! You in there?!" Ward's voice got closer and I ran into the closet. I shut the door just as he unlocked her bedroom door and I put my hand over my mouth to stop him from hearing my breathing as my heart pounded loudly in my chest.

"Where else would I be? You locked me in here remember?" She responded sarcastically. I waited until I heard her bedroom door close and lock again and then slipped back out into her room. So much for the plan. Now we're both locked in here. "What are you doing here?"

"I was trying to break you out, but it looks like I locked myself in instead." I responded and sat down on her bed. She looks shaken up and it hit me that if she's been locked in here she might have no idea about what's happening outside. "Is it true?" Part of me is hoping that she'll say John B is lying and that Rafe didn't do it, but deep down I know he did.

"It was Rafe." She breathed out, and tears formed in her eyes. "I'm sorry Molly I know how much you love him."

My heart split in half at her words.

"I'm not going to lie for him." I reassured her. "I'm not going to let John B go down for Rafe's mistake. I just wish there was another way out of here." I stood up and started pacing, trying to think of something. Then it hit me.

"What about Wheezy?! Can she get us out?"

"Oh my god. Wheezie!" Sarah chirped and went over to a vent in her floor. She pulled out a cup and a string and somehow Wheezie picked it up and Sarah convinced her to let us out.


Once Wheezie agreed to lie to Ward that Sarah was in there we managed to sneak out. Sarah grabbed her bike and I grabbed Wheezie's and we went off in search of the others. "They could be anywhere right now." She stated, and we saw cop cars go whirring by us with sirens flashing.

"I'm gonna guess he's probably that way." She nodded and the two of us rode in the direction of all the chaos. We followed the police cars to Kelce's house and as we got there we saw Shoupe yelling into a bullhorn.

"Locate but do not engage!" Which means John B must have somehow escaped.

"Sarah." I elbowed her gently and she followed my gaze over to Rafe, who's leading a pack of people towards where they think he went.

"That's not good." She agreed. We looked around, trying to think of where he would go and I wracked my brain for places the Pogue's would mention of any significance around here. "Follow me." She said, and I gave her a confused look but rode behind her anyway. We went down a pathway in the woods to an old abandoned church. We tossed our bikes in the back of it and she pushed the door opened. We had to crawl under the planks boarded across the doorway and once we were inside she shut it before ascending a small wooden ladder in the back and up to a trapdoor.

"Hey." I heard her breathe out and relief rushed through me knowing John B is safe for now. I climbed up behind her and shut the trap door as she launched herself into his arms.

"I thought I'd never see you again." He spoke breathlessly and kissed her.

"I hate to break up the reunion guys but we need to think of a plan." I reminded them that we probably don't have much time.

Molly Wescott ~Rafe Cameron~Where stories live. Discover now