1.18 Breaking and Entering

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[Late that night, a lantern and hand appear, but nothing else. The ensemble walks through the dark library and into the Restricted Section. The lamp is put down, and the cloak removed, revealing to be Harry and Juniper who search the bookshelves.]

Harry: Famous fire eaters. 15th-Century Fiends. Flamel. Nicholas Flamel. Where are you?

Juniper: You're not a very good whisperer you know.

Harry: Yes I am!

"No, you're not" Ron, Draco, and Hermione say in sinc

[Harry picks up a book and opens it. A man's face appears from between the pages, which screams madly and loudly. Harry immediately slams the book shut and puts it back.]

Juniper: Oh great going Harry. You chose the screaming book. I blame Potter luck

"I hate that luck most of the time" James says

Filch: Who's there?! [Harry and June whips around and quickly grab the cloak, causing the lamp to fall and shatter.] I know you're in there. You can't hide. [Harry puts the cloke on himself and Juniper and creeps around Filch.] Who is it? Show yourself!

[Harry and Juniper run from the room, breathing heavily. They exit into the hall, where Mrs. Norris, meows and begins to follow them. Harry and Juniper run around a corner, just as Snape and Quirrell appear. Snape pushes Quirrell into the wall.]

Quirell: Severus... I-I thought...

Snape: You don't want me as your enemy, Quirrell.

Quirell: I don't know w-what you m-mean.

Snape: You know perfectly well what I mean. [Snape senses something that causes Harry and Juniper to stop breathing. Snape reaches out to grab something but doesn't. He whips his finger back in front of Quirrell's face.] We'll have another chat soon. When you've had time to decide where your loyalties lie.

[Filch arrives, carrying the broken lantern.]

Filch: Oh, Professors. I found this in the Restricted Section. It's still hot. That means there's a student out of bed.

[Upon hearing this, Snape and Quirrell dart off]

[A door opens and then it closes. On the other side, there is a vast, empty room that has a large mirror in the center known as the Mirror of Erised. Harry and Juniper appear and walk over to the mirror. In the reflection, they see two people appear who are their late parents, James and Lily Potter.]

Harry: Mum? [Lily nods and smiles]

Juniper: Dad? [James nods and smiles.]

[ They reach out to touch them but only get the mirror. Then, their mother puts her hand on his shoulder. He puts his own hand on his own shoulders, as if trying to feel her there.]

James and Lily hold their children in a tight hug

Harry: Stay here, I'm going to get Ron. [He runs out before Juniper can say anything]

Juniper: [Looking back at the mirror and her parents. She sees herself with her parents but her eyes and hands are glowing red] What is happening to me? What am I? [ She asks them. They just smile and nod at her, each putting a hand on her shoulder]

[ Harry runs back in with Ron]

Harry: Come on! Come! Come look, it's my parents!

Ron: I only see us.

Harry: [moves over] Look in properly. Go on, stand there. There. You see them, don't you? That's my dad.

Ron: That's me! Only I'm head boy. And I'm holding the Quidditch cup. And bloody hell! I'm Quidditch Captain too! I look good. Harry, do you think this mirror shows the future?

Juniper: How can it? Our parents are dead. [the twins smile sadly.]

[The next night, Harry is back in the room where the mirror is, gazing longingly at the reflection where his parents are in. Dumbledore appears far behind him]

Dumbledore: Back again, Harry? [Harry turns around and stands up.] I see that you, like so many before you have discovered the delights of the Mirror of Erised. I trust by now you realize what it does. Let me give you a clue. The happiest man on earth would look into the mirror and see only himself, exactly as he is.

Harry: So then, it shows us what we want. Whatever we want.

Dumbledore: [whilst looking at the mirror] Yes. And no. It shows us nothing more or less than the deepest most desperate desires of our hearts. Now you, Harry, who have never known your family, you see them standing beside you. But remember this, Harry. This mirror gives us neither knowledge or truth. Men have wasted away in front of it. Even gone mad. That is why tomorrow it will be moved to a new home. And I must ask you not to go looking for it again. It does not do to dwell on dreams, Harry, and forget to live. [Harry looks back at the mirror, knowing that Dumbledore is right.]

A/N: We're almost finished with year 1. I can't believe it. It's only take like 3 years. But the good stuff is finally happening woooooooo. 

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