2.6 Blondie... People, Not The Band.

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[A copy of 's autobiography, Magical Me, is on display as Harry and Hermione enter the store. They join the Weasleys and Juniper, who are waiting in a line.]

Mrs.Weasley: Oh Harry, thank goodness! [dusting Harry off] We'd hoped you'd only gone one grate too far!

Juniper: You are an idiot Harold.

Man: Ladies and gentlemen, Mr. Gilderoy Lockhart!

Juniper: You and that guy.

Mrs.Weasley: Oh, here he is!

[The mostly female crowd applauds as the flamboyantly-dressed Gilderoy Lockhart steps into view.]

Ron: Mum fancies him. [Mrs. Weasley playfully shoves him]

Photographer: Make way there, please! Let me by, madam, thank you. Excuse me, little girl, this is for The Daily Prophet. [snaps a photograph of Lockhart]

Lockhart: [noticing Harry's scar] It can't be Harry Potter! And Juniper Potter!

Photographer: Harry and Juniper Potter! [grabs Harry and Juniper] Excuse me, madam. [pushes Harry and Juniper up to the front]

Lockhart: [pulling Harry and Juniper to his side] Nice big smile, Harry, Juniper, together you and I rate the front page! [Harry doesn't smile, neither does Juniper but the photographer snaps a picture anyway] Ladies and gentlemen, what an extraordinary moment this is! When young Harry and Juniper stepped into Flourish and Blotts this morning to purchase my autobiography Magical Me... [Hermione and most of the crowd excitedly applaud, but Ron just looks bewildered] ...which, incidentally, is currently celebrating its twenty-seventh week atop the Daily Prophet bestseller list... [Draco is watching from above] ...they had no idea that they would, in fact, be leaving with my entire collected works... [presents Harry and Juniper with a stack of books] ...free of charge. [sits down at a desk as Harry and Juniper walk back to the Weasleys] Now, ladies.

Mrs.Weasley: [as Harry passes her the Lockhart books] Harry, now you give me those, and I'll get them signed. All of you wait outside. That's it, Ron.

Juniper: No thank you, Mrs. Weasley. I'm okay.

[Harry, Juniper, and their friends go into the front area of the store. Draco, now standing on a staircase, tears a page out of a book.]

Draco: [coming down the stairs] Bet you loved that, didn't you, Potters? Famous Harry and Juniper Potter, can't even go into a bookshop without making the front page.

Ginny: [stepping forward] Leave him alone.

Draco: Harry Potter... you've got yourself a girlfriend!

"Not yet" Juniper silently laughs, until Ginny hits her in the back of then head.

Lucius: [pushing Draco aside with his walking stick] Now, now, Draco, play nicely. [turns to Harry and Juniper] Mr. Potter... [as he and Harry shake hands] ...Lucius Malfoy... we meet at last. Forgive me... [leans in to examine Harry's scar] ...your scar is legend, as, of course, is the wizard who gave it to you.

Juniper: I'm here too Blondie

Lucius: Ah yes, Miss.Potter. Do you always stick up for your brother? Did you, when Voldemort came to kill you two?

Harry: Voldemort killed our parents. [steps away from Lucius] He was nothing more than a murderer.

Lucius: You must be very brave to mention his name. Or very foolish.

Hermione: Fear of a name only increases fear of the thing itself.

" That's very wise Miss. Granger." Dumbledore compliments. Juniper rolls her eyes.

Lucius: And you must be... Miss Granger. Yes, Draco's told me all about you... and your parents. [they glance at her parents, who are talking to Mr. Weasley] Muggles, aren't they? [he turns to the Weasley children] Let me see, red hair, vacant expressions... [takes a book from Ginny's cauldron] ...tatty, secondhand book, you must be the Weasleys. [as he talks, Mr. Weasley walks over to the front area of the store]

Mr.Weasley: Children, it's mad in here. Let's go outside.

Lucius: Well, well, well, Weasley senior.

Mr.Weasley: Lucius.

Lucius: Busy time at the Ministry, Arthur, all those extra raids. I do hope they're paying you overtime, but judging by the state of this... [holds up Ginny's book] ...I'd say not. What's the use of being a disgrace to the name of wizard if they don't even pay you well for it?

Mr.Weasley: We have a very different idea about what disgraces the name of wizard, Malfoy.

Lucius: Clearly. Associating with Muggles... [Harry watches as Lucius places two books into Ginny's cauldron] ...and I thought your family could sink no lower. I'll see you at work. [leaves the shop]

Draco: I'll see you at school. [follows his father out the door]

A/N: I literally can't wait to get through year 2. I have so much intense detail planned for years 3-7. It's also hard to write 12 year olds behavior lmao.

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